1 of 14/ Body Language Analysis No. 4718: Vivek Ramaswamy's — A common variation of a feigned/manipulative 'smile' — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence
#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #BehaviorAnalysis #EmotionalIntelligence #NonverbalCommunication #VivekRamaswamy
#vivekramaswamy #nonverbalcommunication #emotionalintelligence #behavioranalysis #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
1 of 10/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4716: Donald Trump's Mugshot — Nonverbal and EmotionalIntelligence
#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #DonaldTrump #Mugshot #FultonCounty #Georgia
#Georgia #fultoncounty #Mugshot #DonaldTrump #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
1 of 11/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4715: Donald Trump's affirmation of changing DC with Force — Nonverbal and #EmotionalIntelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #DonaldTrump #MattGaetz #IowaStateFair
#IowaStateFair #mattgaetz #DonaldTrump #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage #emotionalintelligence
1 of 26/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4714: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Antisemitic and Racist Statements — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #EmotionalIntelligence #RobertFKennedyJr #RFKjr
#rfkjr #robertfkennedyjr #emotionalintelligence #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
1 of 27/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4712: One Body Language Behavior you should almost Never display — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #EmotionalIntelligence #Elon #ElonMusk
#ElonMusk #elon #emotionalintelligence #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
1 of 25/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4709: An example of Lecherous and Predatory behavior — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #NonverbalCommunication #BehaviorAnalysis #EmotionalIntelligence
#emotionalintelligence #behavioranalysis #nonverbalcommunication #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
It's being reported by the NYT, that Jared Kushner has testified to a Grand Jury regarding the January 6th insurrection. Boy, oh, boy — would I have loved to have been there, reading his body language for that one. #BodyLanguageExpert
1 of 10/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4708: The most common Body Language Signal of Chronic Lying as well as a Manipulative Person — Nonverbal and #EmotionalIntelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #NonverbalCommunication #BehaviorAnalysis #RonDeSantis
#rondesantis #behavioranalysis #nonverbalcommunication #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage #emotionalintelligence
1 of 13/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4707: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at The Al Smith Dinner — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #NonverbalCommunication #BehaviorAnalysis #BodyLanguage #HillaryClinton #AlSmithDinner #Smile #SincereSmile
#sinceresmile #smile #alsmithdinner #hillaryclinton #bodylanguage #behavioranalysis #nonverbalcommunication #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert
1 of 91/ THREAD: #BodyLanguage Analysis No. 4706: Did #DonaldTrump Pressure #MikePence to Pressure #DougDucey to Overturn Arizona's 2020 Election results?
#BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #NonverbalCommunication #BehaviorAnalysis
#behavioranalysis #nonverbalcommunication #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #dougducey #mikepence #DonaldTrump #bodylanguage
1 of 53/ THREAD: #BodyLanguage Analysis No. 4701: #StevenCrowder's abuse, manipulation, and #CoerciveControl of Hilary Crowder (Trigger Warning)
#BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #NonverbalCommunication #BehaviorAnalysis #HilaryCrowder #DARVO
#darvo #hilarycrowder #behavioranalysis #nonverbalcommunication #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #coercivecontrol #stevencrowder #bodylanguage
1 of 28/ THREAD: #BodyLanguage Analysis No. 4704: Vladimir Putin Displays Fear Whilst Speaking to Senior Russian Military — Nonverbal and #EmotionalIntelligence https://youtu.be/_QSW_5jHiU4
#BodyLanguageExpert #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #VladimirPutin #Putin #Fear
#fear #Putin #VladimirPutin #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #BodyLanguageExpert #emotionalintelligence #bodylanguage
1 of 7/ THREAD: BodyLanguage Analysis No. 4702: A Crucial Human-to-Human and Cross-Species Signal of Affection — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #EmotionalIntelligence #Affection
#affection #emotionalintelligence #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
1 of 12/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4701: Vladimir Putin has a Cranial Nerve VII Palsy on his right side — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #VladimirPutin #Putin #Prigozhin
#prigozhin #Putin #VladimirPutin #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
1 of 11/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4700: Donald Trump's Lisp of Fear (and other Tells) — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #DonaldTrump #LipCurl #Lisp #Fear #LispOfFear
#lispoffear #fear #Lisp #lipcurl #DonaldTrump #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
1 of 16/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4699: Donald Trump's Forward Lip Purse #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #DonaldTrump #ForwardLipPurse #LipPurse
#lippurse #forwardlippurse #DonaldTrump #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
1 of 38/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4698: Donald Trump's Neck of Fear #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #DonaldTrump #NeckOfFear #Fear #DonaldTrump
#fear #neckoffear #DonaldTrump #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
1 of 25/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4697: Jim Jordan's Creepy Smile — and Why Clowns Freak-out so many people
#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #JimJordan
#jimjordan #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
1 of 30/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4696: Body Language Surrogates — and the Painting Trump Chose (to Represent his Mindset) During His Response to his Most Recent Indictments
#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalCommunication #DonaldTrump #KaiserWilhelmII #TeddyRoosevelt
#teddyroosevelt #KaiserWilhelmII #DonaldTrump #nonverbalcommunication #behavioranalysis #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage
2 of 2/
• Democratic Candidates
• Democratic Directors Comm/Campaign Directors
• School Counselors
• Airport Security Personnel
• Writers
• CPS Investigators
• Those amidst divorce/seeking child custody
#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #EmotionalIntelligence #BehaviorAnalysis #NonverbalIntelligence
#nonverbalintelligence #behavioranalysis #emotionalintelligence #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert