@chrismessina So #BodyShaming is a profoundly shitty thing to do even when the person being criticized sucks a lot.
How many people seeing this look more like Musk than not? How many peoples' day did you make worse with this dumb joke?
Ole Musky deserves all the derision in the world, but we can do better than this.
I just *loooove* how with all this news of Trump's impending arrest, all us progressive liberals are back to making fun of his hand size and weight again.
We can enjoy the (maybe hopefully one day) possibility of Trump finally being held accountable for *something* without the body shaming crap, okay?
We have fat allies, small handed allies, small penis allies, etc and they are wonderful people.
Y'all... let's do better, k?
#letsdobetter #BodyShaming #fatphobia #trumparrest #Trump
@Volksverpetzer #NuancierteMeinung:
Man kann #AndrewTate shice finden UND #GretaThunberg für #Bodyshaming outcallen.
#BodyShaming #Gretathunberg #andrewtate #nuanciertemeinung
#bodyshaming ist out denkt man.
Eben musst tatsächlich aus dem Autofenster den Sitz meiner Hose auf dem Fahrrad kommentieren. Maurerdekolleté-Kommentare sind auch Bodyshaming …
Ist das jetzt #ReverseDiscrimination oder #Gleichstellung oder einfach nur #doof ?
#BodyShaming #ReverseDiscrimination #Gleichstellung #doof
Miss Universe Harnaaz Sandhu `was bullied for gaining weight` #bodyimage #bodyshaming #missuniverse #5agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYWdlc2l4LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA4LzA0L21pc3MtdW5pdmVyc2UtaGFybmFhei1zYW5kaHUtd2FzLWJ1bGxpZWQtZm9yLWdhaW5pbmctd2VpZ2h0Lw==
#5agosto #Missuniverse #BodyShaming #bodyimage
Fans defend Miranda Lambert against body shamers #blakeshelton #bodyshaming #celebrityexes #countrymusic #gwenstefani #mirandalambert #4agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYWdlc2l4LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA4LzAzL2ZhbnMtZGVmZW5kLW1pcmFuZGEtbGFtYmVydC1hZ2FpbnN0LWJvZHktc2hhbWVycy8=
#4agosto #MirandaLambert #GwenStefani #countrymusic #celebrityexes #BodyShaming #BlakeShelton
Bufera su Burioni, bodyshaming contro sostenitrice Lega - la Repubblica #bufera #burioni #bodyshaming #sostenitrice #lega #repubblica #11luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVwdWJibGljYS5pdC9jcm9uYWNhLzIwMjIvMDcvMTAvbmV3cy9idWZlcmFfc3VfYnVyaW9uaV9ib2R5c2hhbWluZ19jb250cm9fc29zdGVuaXRyaWNlX2xlZ2EtMzU3MzY1MTE3Lz9yc3M=
#11luglio #Repubblica #lega #sostenitrice #BodyShaming #burioni #bufera
Burioni, body shaming contro una ragazza su Twitter: scoppia la polemica #bodyshaming #RobertoBurioni #Twitter #10luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub2NjaGlvbm90aXppZS5pdC9idXJpb25pLWJvZHktc2hhbWluZy10d2l0dGVyLWNvc2EtZS1zdWNjZXNzby0xMC1sdWdsaW8v
#10luglio #twitter #RobertoBurioni #BodyShaming
Marina La Rosa sbarca su TikTok e agli hater dice: `Fiera del petto invecchiato` | Intrattenimento #bodyshaming #marinalarosa #13giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub2dnaS5pdC9nb3NzaXAvaG90LzIwMjIvMDYvMTEvbWFyaW5hLWxhLXJvc2EtYXR0YWNjYXRhLXBlci1pbC1zdW8tYXNwZXR0by1yZXBsaWNhLWZpZXJhLWRlbC1taW8tcGV0dG8taW52ZWNjaGlhdG8v
#13giugno #marinalarosa #BodyShaming
Marina La Rosa sbarca su TikTok e agli hater dice: `Fiera del petto invecchiato` | Intrattenimento #bodyshaming #marinalarosa #11giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub2dnaS5pdC9nb3NzaXAvaG90LzIwMjIvMDYvMTEvbWFyaW5hLWxhLXJvc2EtYXR0YWNjYXRhLXBlci1pbC1zdW8tYXNwZXR0by1yZXBsaWNhLWZpZXJhLWRlbC1taW8tcGV0dG8taW52ZWNjaGlhdG8v
#11Giugno #marinalarosa #BodyShaming
Boiler Summer Cup, la vergogna dell`estate - Orgoglionerd #bodyshaming #boilersummercup #challeng #fatacceptance #grassofobia #tiktok #30maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9vcmdvZ2xpb25lcmQuaXQvYm9pbGVyLXN1bW1lci1jdXAtc2ZpZGEtdGlrLXRvay8=
#30maggio #tiktok #grassofobia #fatacceptance #challeng #Boilersummercup #BodyShaming
Boiler Summer Cup, la vergogna dell`estate - Orgoglionerd #bodyshaming #boilersummercup #challeng #fatacceptance #grassofobia #tiktok #28maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9vcmdvZ2xpb25lcmQuaXQvYm9pbGVyLXN1bW1lci1jdXAtc2ZpZGEtdGlrLXRvay8=
#28maggio #tiktok #grassofobia #fatacceptance #challeng #Boilersummercup #BodyShaming
#Facebook_Advertising = 190 #Elite Marketing #Partners which Created the #Biggest_DATABASE of Consumer #Data IN THE WORLD! (#ORACLE, #ACXIOM, #EXPERIAN, #VIDSY, #EPSILON, ETC.,)?? 2018
How #Facebook #Surveillance State #Tracks and #Manipulates #Everyone, #Everything, and #Everywhere
#ATLAS Delivers People-based marketing BEYOND Facebook?
#AddictionTargeting (Gambling, Smoking, Alchohol, etc.) #BodyShaming, #PredatoryLending Exploits
#PredatoryLending #BodyShaming #AddictionTargeting #atlas #everywhere #everything #everyone #Manipulates #tracks #surveillance #facebook #Epsilon #VIDSY #experian #acxiom #data #Biggest_DATABASE #partners #elite #Facebook_Advertising #oracle
#International_Tech_News | Facebook Advertising = 190 Elite Marketing Partners which Created the Biggest DATABASE of Consumer #Data IN THE WORLD! (#ORACLE, #ACXIOM, #EXPERIAN, #VIDSY, #EPSILON, ETC.,)?? 2018 How #Facebook #Surveillance State #Tracks and #Manipulates #Everyone, #Everything, and #Everywhere | #ATLAS Delivers People-based marketing BEYOND Facebook? #AddictionTargeting (Gambling, Smoking, Alchohol, etc.) #BodyShaming, #PredatoryLending Exploits
Disclaim ..
#PredatoryLending #BodyShaming #AddictionTargeting #atlas #everywhere #everything #everyone #Manipulates #tracks #surveillance #facebook #Epsilon #VIDSY #experian #acxiom #oracle #data #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS