Everyone at #FSFE needs to band together now and say, "We only accept this donation because we know #Google have money printed for them at 0% interest, to boost #USstocks. We only accept the money as a hedge against inflation caused by reckless daily #moneyPrinting in the billions."
If they say that then they are forgiven, and all sins are absolved. ;)
#DeleteGoogle #QE4EVER #ponziScheme #SMP500 #pyramidScheme #BoeingCantEngineerToSave346Lives #lockheedmartin #menwithguns #boeing
#fsfe #google #USstocks #moneyPrinting #deletegoogle #QE4EVER #ponzischeme #SMP500 #pyramidscheme #BoeingCantEngineerToSave346Lives #LockheedMartin #menwithguns #boeing