Peter M 🎯 · @Pjotrovics
298 followers · 1459 posts · Server


Nogmaals, ik ben geen techneut. Dus stel ik hier een vraag. Kan een hetzelfde? Dus b.v. opladen wanneer stroom goedkoop is en later leveren?
Ik lees allerlei dingen over als oplossing voor het bewaren van stroom van .
Nergens lees ik het begrip voor het bewaren van warm water.

Iemand enig idee waarom niet?

#Boiler #zonnepanelen #batterijen #warmtepomp #vraagje #energietransitie

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter M 🎯 · @Pjotrovics
298 followers · 1457 posts · Server


Begin jaren 80 was ik even in een huis in , dat lag in een ski-gebied. Dat huis had een slim . De nachtstroom (lager tarief) werd opgeslagen en overdag gebruikt om het huis te verwarmen.

Nu ben ik geen techneut, dus vraag ik me nog steeds af hoe ze dat toen al in konden.

Mijn ouders hadden in 1957 een huis gekocht en kochten ook een voor de voorziening in hun huis. Daar....(2)

#warmwater #Boiler #verwarmingssysteem #elektrisch #zwitserland #vraagje #energietransitie

Last updated 1 year ago

GuruHiTech · @guruhitech
124 followers · 1307 posts · Server
DaN McKee · @Authenticdmckee
669 followers · 569 posts · Server

My boiler broke last week - will I ever be able to trust it, or the company who failed to properly service it and left us stranded without heat for three days, again? This week’s Philosophy Unleashed looks at trust, induction, Hume, Descartes, prisons, and boilers…

#philosophy #philosophyunleashed #Boiler #trust #hume #Descartes #writing #induction

Last updated 2 years ago

Misty Nozzle :queercat_pan: · @wyndsmir
62 followers · 573 posts · Server

I'm pretty sure our is firing up far more often than it should be, dunno where the line is of needing the heat around the house or it just literally burning our money away.


Last updated 2 years ago

NationalWorld News · @NationalWorld
678 followers · 574 posts · Server

🔥 Simple change to boiler settings could save households £112 a year as energy bills set for huge rise

Households are being urged to make a simple change to their boiler settings to save more than £100 a year.

#uk #news #Boiler #energybills #bills #households

Last updated 2 years ago

David Hembrow · @hembrow
1205 followers · 730 posts · Server

Here's a new blog post for today about the water heater that I installed over the weekend.
Sounds dull, right ? Well this might actually save half our of total energy bill.
Replacing the antiquated gas boiler with an electric boiler running from our solar panels has been on the to-do list for years, but we kept prioritizing other things to save energy. Because the other work kept reducing our total energy consumption, that which remained from the water heater started to look a bit silly as it was costing us nearly half of our total annual energy bill for absolutely everything that we do in our work and private life.
Anyway, the job is done now. While water boilers really are a bit boring, this job brings us one step closer to being completely free of fossil fuel.
What I particularly appreciate is that when I return home from exercising I can now take a completely fossil-fuel free shower. The sun today was heating up my shower water while I cycled.

#Boiler #gas #electric #vanhetgasaf #DIY

Last updated 2 years ago

twilwel · @twilwel
147 followers · 1350 posts · Server

Zo de elektrische hangt, maar nu komt de grootste of liever gezegd de meest lastige klus: elektrisch, water en afvoer aansluiten. Omdat zo’n boiler tot 1500Watt trekt, moest ik me ook afvragen op welke groep ik ‘m het beste kon aansluiten. Er zijn op het zoldertje wel stopcontacten, maar die groep kan in extreme gevallen overbelast raken. Dus ik leg een nieuw stopcontact aan vanaf een veel minder belaste groep.


Last updated 2 years ago

Philip Potter · @philandstuff
177 followers · 156 posts · Server

Heating system people! I need a new at short notice. Long term I want a but now is not the time. However I’m wondering what I can/should do to enable a future transition?

Things I’m thinking:
• ensure boiler supports weather compensation
• plan for lower temperatures, replacing rads where necessary
• stick with existing hot water cylinder rather than getting a combi

Anything else I should consider?

#Boiler #heatpump

Last updated 2 years ago

Pieter · @screenager
118 followers · 234 posts · Server

Onze 150L gasboiler heeft de geest gegeven. de CV zit in hetzelfde toestel, maar is ok.
Zonnepanelen en batterij komen er over een paar maanden aan (voor mei).
Hoe vervangen we die gasboiler best?

#dtv #energie #verwarming #Boiler #gas #homeassistant #warmwater

Last updated 2 years ago

Edwin🌸🙀 · @edwin
19 followers · 353 posts · Server

If you have a Vaillant gas boiler with a Center remote control be careful when you turn off the boiler using the remote control that it does actually turn off. Check the green light is off on the wall control unit usually located separately on the wall near the boiler. Sometimes the remote control says the boiler is off but the signal has not got there. Turning on again then off again can fix this. Or use the button on the wall control unit. Images show these items

#gas #Boiler #heating #energy

Last updated 2 years ago

hastingsmothman · @hastingsmothman
71 followers · 169 posts · Server

No heating, no hot water (other than boiling a kettle), no shower or bath. Slept in a hat! Bought hot water bottle for day and night.

Only been 24 hours, but no boiler for a few days is quite a thrilling adventure!! 😅

While I jest that we're mildly inconvenienced for a weekend, please remember there are vulnerable and folk suffering. Check neighbours, donate to , buy , buy hot food/drink for someone.

#homeless #trusselltrust #thebigissue #december #frost #saturday #Boiler #cold #homelessness

Last updated 2 years ago

hastingsmothman · @hastingsmothman
71 followers · 169 posts · Server

No heating, no hot water (other than boiling a kettle), no shower or bath.

Slept in a hat!

Bought a hot water bottle for the day and night.

It's only been 24 hours, but this no boiler for a few days is quite a thrilling adventure!! 😅

#december #frost #saturday #Boiler #cold

Last updated 2 years ago

hastingsmothman · @hastingsmothman
70 followers · 167 posts · Server

No heating, hot water, showers etc until replacement can be installed at £3K.

Finding out a hot water bottle and will have to get used to cold washes for a while.


#Boiler #cold #december #plumbing

Last updated 2 years ago

Martin · @MartindeVries
12 followers · 35 posts · Server

@Gerben01 Het is lastig hier zo even advies voor te geven zonder de situatie te bekijken. Een houdt inderdaad water op een vaste en dat kost energie. Dat moet minimaal 60 graden zijn om te voorkomen. Ik weet niet, waarop hij afgesteld is, Water van 60 graden verliest minder energie dan water van 70 of 80 graden, omdat het afhangt van het temperatuurverschil. Misschien dat je daarmee nog kunt besparen.

#energieverlies #Legionella #temperatuur #Boiler

Last updated 2 years ago

Bastett · @Bastett
31 followers · 46 posts · Server

I have put the water-mass in.
I have taken the water-mass out.
I have put the water-mass in and shaken it all about.
I did the hokey-pokey, and the error made me shout.
For fuck's sake. Time for a new , that's what it's all about.


Last updated 2 years ago

ObserverFect · @teemo
9 followers · 69 posts · Server

If you are mechanically competent and need help diagnosing existing system problems I'd be happy to help out. If you are designing new or assessing the possibility of installing a radiant heating system, maybe I can clear things up. 30years in this industry. I'm up on the revolution that's on the horizon. I'm taking time off right now so my screen time is up. Ask, I'll get back to you. It might be a bit when I'm back in the field.

#radiant #Hydronics #Boiler #radiantfloors #AirToWater #Heatpump

Last updated 2 years ago

ObserverFect · @teemo
9 followers · 69 posts · Server

If you are mechanically competent and need help diagnosing existing system problems I'd be happy to help out. If you are designing new or assessing the possibility of installing a radiant heating system, maybe I can clear things up. 30 years in this industry. I'm up on the revolution that's on the horizon. I'm taking time off right now somy screen time is up. Ask, I'll get back to you. It might be a bit when I'm back in the field.

#radiant #Hydronics #Boiler #radiantfloors #AirToWater #Heatpump

Last updated 2 years ago

Thermostat set to 18C, but it was getting too cold (15C) in the house, so we finally had to actually turn on the condensing unfortunately
(That small daily bump there was just for warm water)

#gas #Boiler

Last updated 2 years ago

Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11260 followers · 97977 posts · Server