“Life is a series of closing doors, isn’t it?” – BoJack Horseman
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
“You know, sometimes, I feel like I was born with a leak, and any goodness I started with just slowly spilled out of me, and now it’s all gone.” – BoJack Horseman
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
“You were born broken, that’s your birthright. And now you can fill your life with projects, your books, and your movies, and your little girlfriends; but that won’t make you whole.” – Beatrice Horseman
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
“I feel like my life is just a series of unrelated wacky adventures.” – BoJack Horseman
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
“You’re gonna do everything you can to fill that hole, with friends, and your career, and meaningless sex, but the hole doesn’t get filled.” – BoJack Horseman
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
“Life is life, and that’s so sad because there’s so little time and what are we doing with it?” – Princess Carolyn
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
“You are a horrible person, and you, not understanding that you’re a horrible person, doesn’t make you less of a horrible person.” – BoJack Horseman
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
“You have to be careful, because if you spend a lot of time with stories, you start to believe that life is just stories, and it’s not.” – Princess Carolyn
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
“I don’t understand how people live.” – BoJack Horseman
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
“You know what your problem is? You want to think of yourself as the good guy. Well, I know you better than anyone, and I can tell you that you’re not.” – Herb Kazzaz
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
#BoJack #BoJackHorseman #Quote
Thank you, exactly: settle! Because, otherwise, you're just gonna get older and harder and more alone. And you're gonna do everything you can to fill that hole- with friends and your career and meaningless sex, but the hole... doesn't get filled. And one day you're going to look around and you're going to realize that everybody loves you... but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world.
#quote #bojackhorseman #Bojack
We're not doomed. In the grand scheme of things, we're just tiny specks that will one day be forgotten
"To me, there is nothing the least bit funny about stealing the meal from Neal McBeal, the Navy Seal." 🐳
I wish that I could forget this show. So that I can watch it fresh again.