The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
"Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey"
#Bonzos #nowplaying #music #livemusic #WednesdayTune
@AnnBindley2 Well, he would do, if he hadn't died in a fire in 1995. But I agree with the sentiment. #Gorilla is on my playlist along with #ImTheUrbanSpaceman (the album) and I play them when I really, really need to cheer myself up. #Bonzos In fact, you've just inspired to put Gorilla on. Jollity Farm. Brilliant.
#gorilla #Bonzos #imtheurbanspaceman
Apparently there is some kind of sport-related thing currently taking place, of which I know little (and care even less). Vivian Stanshall always saunters into my head in these moments. Thusly, I shall quote the #Bonzos.
"Sport, sport, masculine sport
equips a young man for Society!
Yes, sport turns out a jolly good sort!
It's an odd boy who doesn't like sport!"