Finished reading Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi.
My chronology was all wrong because I read the glorious The Death of Vivek Oji first. Loved that one so much I had a masochistic period of delayed gratification, holding off as along as possible to read Freshwater.
Now I’m sad that I didn’t get to experience Freshwater first, as a debut novel, because it’s mind blowing.
Brutal and beautiful.
I have a massive #bookhangover now.
I've been suffering from a minor #BookHangover, but have finally settled into the intriguing 'What You Can See From Here' by Mariana Leky, translated by Tess Lewis, after grazing in a few other books and putting them back on the shelf for now.
#BookHangover #currentlyreading #books #GermanLit #MarianaLeky