This is a great long read about the lawsuit at the heart of the attempt of Penguin/Random House's owner to buy Simon and Shuster. But it's really about publishing and the book industry more broadly. It's even got a Stephen King cameo.
At Random
by Christian Lorentzen
The business of books and the merger that wasn’t
#Books #BookIndustry #PenguinRandomHouse #SimonAndShuster #Publishing #WritersCommunity #StephenKing
#stephenking #writerscommunity #publishing #simonandshuster #penguinrandomhouse #BookIndustry #Books
This week's issue of #TheBookseller is live!
We look at the genres that dominated 2022, Diana Evans tells us about her new novel, Ingela P Arrhenius discusses her first standalone picture book, Children's Previews and so much MORE!
#BookIndustry #booktrade #Books #publishingnews #publishing #thebookseller
#AI #GPT3 #openai #indexing #bookindustry
AI platforms such as GPT will offer the book industry interesting tools for the automatic indexing of books as early as 2023.
#ai #gpt3 #openai #indexing #BookIndustry
The 6000th issue of #TheBookseller is live!
This week we have the full list of The Bookseller 150, an interview with L. D. Lapinski, the paperback preview for 2023, our category spotlight is on books in the Wellbeing category, and so much MORE!
#News #Books #BookIndustry #publishing #thebookseller
The 6000th issue of #TheBookseller is live!
This week we have the full list of The Bookseller 150, an interview with L. D. Lapinski, the paperback preview for 2023, our category spotlight is on books in the Wellbeing category, and so much MORE!
#News #Books #BookIndustry #publishing #thebookseller
Graphic novelist and YA author Alice Oseman has topped the 2022 edition of The Bookseller 150, the 14th annual list of the most influential people in the British and Irish book trade.
Read more here:
#TheBookseller #publishing #bookindustry #booktrade #Bookseller150
#bookseller150 #booktrade #BookIndustry #publishing #thebookseller
Graphic novelist and YA author Alice Oseman has topped the 2022 edition of The Bookseller 150, the 14th annual list of the most influential people in the British and Irish book trade.
Read more here:
#TheBookseller #publishing #bookindustry #booktrade #Bookseller150
#bookseller150 #booktrade #BookIndustry #publishing #thebookseller
Simon is letting its deal wiht PRH expire. Good news for the #bookindustry #books #booknews
#BookIndustry #Books #booknews
Ok hii #Introduction I am very sensitive and extremely nice. And in bread and butter job editor for #contemporary #German #literature and nonfiction at #Hanser #Verlag in #München, with authors alike #FatmaAydemir, #WernerHerzog, #NorbertGstrein, #MaxCzollek, #MithuSanyal, #RonyaOthmann, #RolfLappert, #DavidBaddiel, #MoshtariHilal. I'm interested in #publishing, the #bookindustry, #contemporary literature, #Feuilleton, #aesthetics, #culture #politics, #socialchange, #power and espe #jouissance
#introduction #contemporary #german #literature #Hanser #verlag #münchen #FatmaAydemir #wernerherzog #NorbertGstrein #MaxCzollek #MithuSanyal #RonyaOthmann #RolfLappert #DavidBaddiel #MoshtariHilal #publishing #BookIndustry #feuilleton #aesthetics #culture #politics #socialchange #power #jouissance