LIVE 6/21/23 8:00 pm EST #REVELATIONREDPILL Wed Ep18 When Was the #BookofRevelation Written!? It Changes Everything! Dating the book of #Revelation is key to understanding Biblical #endtimesprophesy. If John wrote his radical expository from the #IsleofPatmos after the fall of Jerusalem in #AD70 then the view that his #prophetic words still need fulfillment has some teeth. However, if John wrote this letter to the #7churches before AD 70, around 64-66 AD, then the Fall of Jerusalem & destruction of the Temple fits perfectly into the #Apocalyptic world John visualizes in his letter. We will take a deep dive into the fascinating internal & external clues: letters, books, and historical facts to see where they lead us. Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#REVELATIONREDPILL #BookOfRevelation #revelation #endtimesprophesy #IsleofPatmos #AD70 #prophetic #7churches #apocalyptic