After years of trying, 6 cycles of iui & 3 ivf transfers, we are finally due to get our miracle in February 2024.
I am looking for suggestions of recommended reading for #pregnacy & #FirstTimemum s
In particular, any recommendations to do with being #Pregnant & #Autistic, #Bipolar &/or aged 40+ would be appreciated.
#pregnacy #firsttimemum #pregnant #Autistic #bipolar #BookRecommendations #MentalHealth #firsttimemom
Recommendations wanted
I'm looking for recommendations for nonfiction #books & TV/film #documentaries on
#Palaeontology & #geology
I'm particularly looking for anything about #dinosaurs, #MassExtinction, #evolution & #EarthHistory
I'm also interested in anything #volcano, #earthquake, & #NaturalDisaster based
These are some of the books I've already read & enjoyed:
The Planet in a Pebble- J. Zalasiewicz
The Tyrannosaur Chronicles- D. Hone
The Last Days of the Dinosaurs- R. Black
Life on a Young Planet- A.H. Knoll
The Rise & Fall of the Dinosaurs- S.L. Brusatte
The Dinosaurs Rediscovered- M.J. Benton
When Life Nearly Died- M.J. Benton
#books #documentaries #palaeontology #geology #dinosaurs #massextinction #evolution #earthhistory #volcano #earthquake #naturaldisaster #BookRecommendations #TVrecommendations #paleontology
Currently reading Baking Bad, touted as a cosy mystery set in an English village with dragons, cake, tea, and the local WI (Women’s Institute) by Kim M. Watt (an indie published book).
It’s fun so far, feeling a bit like Miss Marple vibes rather than Poirot, if there were small dog sized dragons that could talk helping to solve the mystery! Also some magic and psychic witchy vibes too.
#BookMastodon #BookRecommendations #CurrentlyReading #CosyMysteries #FantasyReads
#BookMastodon #BookRecommendations #CurrentlyReading #CosyMysteries #FantasyReads