Question about accessibility: I got #Rstudio working and will be preparing my slides for lecture there, if I output them as a #beamer presentation will that still be accessible or should I be outputting a different format? (I also installed #bookdown but don't know if this has a presentation format, I know nothing and starting from scratch) #EdTech #education #Math #Mathematics
#rstudio #beamer #Bookdown #edtech #education #math #mathematics
I've been looking for a way to compile individual chapters from a bookdown report to HTML (for previewing) or docx (to get feedback from others).
It turns out that the answer is surprisingly simple, if little known.
Just call rmarkdown::render(), and ensure any required yaml is in the document itself (e.g. bibliography).
Here's a function to do this interactively, rendering the file currently opened in RStudio's source editor:
Phew, it was a lot of tinkering, but my #flowchart|s for my #thesis came out really nice. Made with the #rstats library #DiagrammeR and #graphviz and rendered with #knitr, #bookdown and #latex via #rstudio .
The #mermaid integration is just broken for latex-based pdfs, which is sad because mermaid is just really nice with its easy syntax. graphviz has at least more power and is embeddable as a vector pdf file.
#flowchart #thesis #rstats #DiagrammeR #graphviz #knitr #Bookdown #latex #rstudio #mermaid
@rothgar @Antonio_Gulino con #bookdown credo tu possa gestire il pretty printing rmarkdown > LaTeX > PDF (credo perché non so cosa intendi, ma si può usare LaTeX estensivamente)