Pssst! Want books?
Get your fill of mystery and suspense books here.
#BookFunnel #booksbooksbooks #Bookstodon #mysterybooks #suspensebooks #CrimeFiction
#Bookfunnel #booksbooksbooks #bookstodon #MysteryBooks #suspensebooks #crimefiction
Interesting role for someone with an understanding of publishing industry / the #IndieAuthorCommunity.
#indieauthorcommunity #Bookfunnel
Morning! I've made a few promos for LGBTQIA romance books that ARE NOT CIS-MM.
I'm trying to really niche down this year and so I'm particularly welcoming of books with trans MCs and authors who write in more than one pairing of the LGBTQIA rainbow!
Here are the first two promos:
Hurt-Comfort Sales (February)
Newsletter Builder (March)
#Authors #Writers #WritersofMastodon #Bookfunnel @lgbtqbookstodon
#authors #writers #writersofmastodon #Bookfunnel
12 hours to go in our #BookFunnel sale for fiction that engages with history in creative and unconventional ways.
5 authors
Imaginative, yet seriously historical.
Different, as well as diverse.
'It is pure magic when one finds a book that travels that difficult path between fact and fiction... A story that that is so realistic and so true that it literally pulls you into the Mongol world body and soul.' -Patricia Bjaaland Welch
#HistficOutsidetheBox #Mongols #histfic
#Bookfunnel #histficoutsidethebox #mongols #histfic
KWL Live Q&A with BookFunnel’s Damon Courtney #kwlauthortakeover #Promotion/Event #AuthorTakeover #KWLCommunity #FacebookLive #bookfunnel #liveevent #YouTube
#kwlauthortakeover #promotion #authortakeover #kwlcommunity #facebooklive #Bookfunnel #liveevent #youtube
The Ultimate Guide to Author Collaboration in Writing and Publishing #BookPromotion&MarketingAdvice #RunningAnAuthorBusiness #self-publishing #collaboration #Prolificworks #MailingLists #indieauthor #StoryOrigin #Bookfunnel #co-writing
#bookpromotion #runninganauthorbusiness #self #collaboration #Prolificworks #mailinglists #indieauthor #StoryOrigin #Bookfunnel #co