If you're looking for a calming bedtime story, our #BookOfTheDay is probably not for you 🤣
But we think parents and children will love sharing the delightful, hilarious #ISayOhYouSayNo from @theotherjk@twitter.com: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/i/i-say-oh-you-say-no/ @templarbooks@twitter.com
Our #BookOfTheDay is a charming, relatable picture book that explores the sibling relationship!
We love #CanIComeToo from @owendaveydraws@twitter.com, which features his distinct graphic art style: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/c/can-i-come-too2/ @books_rocket@twitter.com
Our #BookOfTheDay features sinister spirits, a murderous ghost and a talking French gargoyle who loves sherbet straws!
You'll love being drawn into the world of #TheDarkAndDangerousGiftsOfDeloresMackenzie by @Eviewriter@twitter.com: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/t/the-dark-and-dangerous-gifts-of-dolores-mackenzie/ @FireflyPress@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #thedarkanddangerousgiftsofdeloresmackenzie
Our #BookOfTheDay is a brilliant, interactive picture book that asks children all sorts of questions... the only limit is their imagination!
We think you'll love #TwentyQuestions by @macbarnett@twitter.com and Christian Robinson: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/t/twenty-questions/ @WalkerBooksUK@twitter.com @BIGPictureBooks@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #twentyquestions
Best friends Pete, Krish and Nancy are back for another adventure in our #BookOfTheDay!
Get ready for a thrilling mystery featuring slimy gunk and a secret research facility in #TheTerrorOfHilltopHouse by @DanSmithAuthor@twitter.com & @ChrisKingArt@twitter.com: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/t/the-terror-of-hilltop-house/ @BarringtonStoke@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #theterrorofhilltophouse
Our #BookOfTheDay is a delightful, quirky tale that is sure to appeal to a wide range of readers!
Don't miss #MyEspeciallyWeirdWeekWithTess by Anna Woltz, translated by @david_colmer@twitter.com: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/m/my-especially-weird-week-with-tess/ @Rocktheboatnews@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #myespeciallyweirdweekwithtess
Our #BookOfTheDay is a wonderful, thorough exploration of migration which should help to answer children's questions.
It's the brilliant #Migrants from @eduardaltarriba@twitter.com: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/m/migrants/ @GMCbooks@twitter.com
Our #BookOfTheDay is a delightful guide to the amazing migrations made by creatures across the animal kingdom!
We think children will love #EpicAnimalJourneys by Ed J Brown: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/e/epic-animal-journeys-navigations-and-migrations-by-air-land-and-sea/ @cicadabooks@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #epicanimaljourneys
Our #BookOfTheDay is a sweet graphic novel that is ideal for less confident readers!
We love #JuniperMae: Knight of Tykotech City from Sarah Soh (@sohsilly@twitter.com): https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/j/juniper-mae-knight-of-tykotech-city/ @FlyingEyeBooks@twitter.com
Our #BookOfTheDay celebrates the unique bond between a brother and his sibling, complete with gentle rhyming text and gorgeous illustrations.
#WhenIBecameYourBrother by Suzannah Shane and @BTeckentrup@twitter.com is adorable: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/t/when-i-became-your-brother/ @NosyCrow@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #whenibecameyourbrother
Fancy winning our #BookOfTheDay?
We have three copies of Xanthe & the Ruby Crown by Jasbinder Bilan to give away - our competition closes on Monday, so don't hang about! https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/competitions/xanthe--the-ruby-crown-win-jasbinder-bilans-brilliant-new-book/
Our #BookOfTheDay is sure to give you a boost, with lots of vibrant verses all about positivity and happiness! ☀️
#BeingYou: Poems of Positivity from Daniel Thompson and Julia Murray will really brighten your day: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/b/being-you-poems-of-positivity/ @Collins4Parents@twitter.com
Fancy winning our #BookOfTheDay?
We're giving away five copies of The Hot Cross Bunny but don't hang about, because our competition ends tomorrow... https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/competitions/celebrate-easter-by-winning-a-copy-of-the-hot-cross-bunny/
Our #BookOfTheDay is a delightful #Easter read!
#TheHotCrossBunny by Carys Bexington and @markAchambers@twitter.com is a super-fun book with colourful illustrations alongside themes of friendship and doing the right thing: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/t/the-hot-cross-bunny2/ @QuartoKids@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #easter #thehotcrossbunny
As it's the #Easter weekend, we've chosen a #BookOfTheDay all about #Eggs... but get ready for some wonderful surprises!
We love this cute lift-the-flap book from @katiedaleuk@twitter.com and @JennyLovlie@twitter.com: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/e/eggs/ @NosyCrow@twitter.com
Our #BookOfTheDay is perfect for sharing with your little ones over the #Easter weekend!
#PickAPerfectEgg by @PatriciaToht@twitter.com and @heyimjarvis@twitter.com is utterly delightful: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/p/pick-a-perfect-egg/ @WalkerBooksUK@twitter.com @BIGPictureBooks@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #easter #pickaperfectegg
Our #BookOfTheDay is a fabulous new collection of poetry from Waterstones @UKLaureate@twitter.com @JosephACoelho@twitter.com and illustrator @dgraybarnett@twitter.com!
#CourageOutLoud is perfect for helping children to build their confidence: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/c/courage-out-loud/ @QuartoKids@twitter.com
We're kicking off April with a #BookOfTheDay that could inspire children to make the most of spring!
#TheChildrensBookOfBirdwatching from @DanERouse@twitter.com is lovely and super useful too: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/t/the-childrens-book-of-birdwatching/ @dkbooks@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #thechildrensbookofbirdwatching
Our #BookOfTheDay is packed with futuristic tech and retro arcade games - plus the importance of friendship, family, and standing up to bullies.
It's #TheDayWeSavedTheFuture from @AshleyBanjo@twitter.com, Jordan Banjo, @alexsheppard@twitter.com and Brittney Bond: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/t/the-day-we-saved-the-future/ @scholasticuk@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #thedaywesavedthefuture
Our #BookOfTheDay is an irresistible book that makes science brilliantly colourful!
It's the delightful #CanYouGetRainbowsInSpace from @SaturnSheila@twitter.com and @LizKayillo@twitter.com: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/c/can-you-get-rainbows-in-space/ @PuffinBooks@twitter.com
#BookoftheDay #canyougetrainbowsinspace