Happy Thursday. For today’s #BooksAndCoffee I’m drinking coffee from #CloudGateCoffee and reading Her Majesty’s Royal Coven by #JunoDawson, since I’ve had it up to here with bad books and authors pulling transphobic punchlines.
So, what are you drinking and reading?
#bookshelf #bookstodon #hermajestysroyalcoven #fantasybooks #witches #transrepresentation #transrightsarehumanrights #queerbooks
#BooksAndCoffee #cloudgatecoffee #JunoDawson #bookshelf #bookstodon #hermajestysroyalcoven #fantasybooks #witches #transrepresentation #transrightsarehumanrights #queerbooks
Happy bank holiday Monday to those of you who celebrate! For today’s #BooksAndCoffee, I’m drinking coffee from the lovely folks at #CloudGateCoffee. And I’m reading One for Sorrow by #SarahADenzil.
#OneForSorrow #psychologicalthriller #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #bookworm #indieauthor
#BooksAndCoffee #cloudgatecoffee #sarahadenzil #oneforsorrow #PsychologicalThriller #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #bookworm #indieauthor
It’s Monday morning and back to the grindstone. For today’s #BooksAndCoffee I’m drinking coffee from my #HexagonCafe mug and reading Country of Poxes: Three Germs and the Taking of Territory by Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay. A bit of a different read for me … but it kept coming up in my suggestions and I couldn’t not. There’s always more to learn.
What are you drinking and reading?
#BaijayantaMukhopadhyay #FernwoodPress #Colonialism #LandTheft #InfectiousDisease #bookstagram #nonfiction #fernpub
#BooksAndCoffee #HexagonCafe #baijayantamukhopadhyay #fernwoodpress #colonialism #landtheft #infectiousdisease #bookstagram #nonfiction #fernpub
Today's #BooksAndCoffee is brought to you by a little day trip to Shrewsbury. I'm drinking an oat latte at #IronAndFireCoffee and reading Moon of the Crusted Snow, a slow-paced First Nations apocalyptic tale by #WaubgeshigRice.
What are you drinking and reading?
#booksbooksbooks #Bookstodon #apocalypticfiction #postapocalyptic #firstnations #firstnationspeople #smallpress #shrewsbury #shropshire
#BooksAndCoffee #ironandfirecoffee #WaubgeshigRice #booksbooksbooks #bookstodon #apocalypticfiction #postapocalyptic #firstnations #firstnationspeople #smallpress #shrewsbury #shropshire
For today’s #BooksAndCoffee, I’m drinking coffee from Cloudgate Coffee (it comes in fully recyclable cans) and reading A Killer Strikes by Georgia Rose.
#psychologicalthriller #domesticsuspense #murdermystery #mysterybooks #bookstodon
#BooksAndCoffee #PsychologicalThriller #domesticsuspense #murdermystery #MysteryBooks #bookstodon
For today’s #BooksAndCoffee I’m drinking coffee from Browns of Brockley and I’m reading Sushi Scandal by @thorncoyle, which is available as part of #KoboPlus.
What are you drinking and reading?
#booksbooksbooks #bookstodon #mysterybooks #queerbooks #cozymystery #cosymystery
#BooksAndCoffee #koboplus #booksbooksbooks #bookstodon #MysteryBooks #queerbooks #cozymystery #cosymystery
@clacksee I've got a soy latte made with freshly ground Kicking Horse: Smart Ass beans. And I just started reading Mary Bennet and the Wickham Artifact by Joyce Harmon. Loving this mashup of regency and fantasy.
Happy Sunday. For todays #BooksAndCoffee, I’m cheating. I’m drinking iced (because it’s hot in here) karak chai from Chai Guys and I’m reading Queens of the Apocalypse by Rob Rosen, which is absolutely ridiculous.
So, what are you drinking and reading?
#bookstodon #booksbooksbooks #dragqueen #dragisnotacrime #lgbtq #zombies
#BooksAndCoffee #bookstodon #booksbooksbooks #dragqueen #dragisnotacrime #lgbtq #zombies
For today's #BooksAndCoffee, I'm reading The Jigsaw Man by Nadine Matheson and I'm drinking espresso from Manifesto Coffee.
I'm so excited about this book because – dun dun dun – it's set in my neighbourhood, which is also where my next novel, A Bit of Murder Between Friends, is set.
What do you think? Would DI Anjelica Henley cotton on to my ladies?
#BooksAndCoffee #crimefiction #bookstagram #london #deptford #se8
We're shaking it up this #TTRPGTimewarpTuesday with a masterpiece of game design by Greg Stafford that I've only had for a few days, #Pendragon. One of my players was downsizing their collection, and I had to give it a good home in my collection, back to some #booksandcoffee.
#ttrpgtimewarptuesday #Pendragon #BooksAndCoffee
Challenge accepted, Mr King. 😅 #boktok #BookMastodon #stephenking #booksandcoffee
#boktok #BookMastodon #stephenking #BooksAndCoffee
Pssst… Want books?
C.L. Cannon is currently running her annual fantasy & sci-fi book fair! Discover over 250 free and discounted fantasy and sci-fi books and enter for your chance to win a Kindle Fire, a one-month gift subscription to Owlcrate, and a $10 Starbucks gift card.
https://clcannon.net/bookfair/ #books @bookstodon #BooksAndCoffee #Bookstodon
#books #BooksAndCoffee #bookstodon
Happy weekend, everyone. For today’s #BooksAndCoffee, I’m reading an ARC of Hamlet, Prince of Robots by @darushawehm. And I’m drinking karak chai from @chaistix.
Weirdly, it turns out, I once shared an undergrad class with Darusha … hundreds of years ago in another land.
Anyways, what are you drinking and reading?
#BooksAndCoffee #bookstodon #scifi #sciencefiction #indieauthor
Trying something a bit different for this Tuesday morning #BooksAndCoffee. I'm beta reading something top secret for another #IndieAuthor. And I'm drinking coffee from my #HexagonCafe mug that I got in Edmonton #YEG last month.
What are you drinking and reading?
I don't actually know anything about making videos. Clearly.
#BooksAndCoffee #indieauthor #HexagonCafe #yeg
@clacksee @Tattooed_mummy Last night I was reading The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North and drinking fruit tea, does that count? #BooksAndCoffee 😁
Really enjoying it, serious page turner! https://bookwyrm.social/book/6729/s/the-first-fifteen-lives-of-harry-august
Thank God it’s Friday. For today’s #BooksAndCoffee, I’m reading #AnnaleeNewitz’s The Future of Another Timeline and I’m drinking coffee from Coaltown Coffee … though if they don’t stop funding hate, I’ll cancel my subscription.
What are you drinking and reading?
#BooksAndCoffee #annaleenewitz
For Sunday’s #BooksAndCoffee, I’m reading Glory on Mars by Kate Rauner. And today’s coffee is from the Broca.
What are you drinking and reading?
It’s Friday! For today’s #BooksAndCoffee, I’m reading Space Murder (a Liz Laika mystery) by @RancherNikki@twitter.com and I’m drinking coffee from @CoaltownCoffee.
It’s the weekend! For today’s #BooksAndCoffee, I’m reading @chrisdurstonish@twitter.com’s Each Little Universe. And my beverage of choice is karak chai by #ChaiStix in Deptford.
What are you drinking and reading today, friends?
Happy Friday #BooksAndCoffee! I’m reading The Stellar Snow Job by @mhowalt@twitter.com. Meanwhile, back in reality, there’s no snow. there’s It’s nine gazillion degrees out there (32 – near enough). So my coffee is iced.
What are you drinking and reading?