He intentado importar mis datos de #goodreads a #bookwyrm de nuevo.
Los resultados te sorprenderán:
113 elementos necesitan aprobación manual. Revisar elementos
247 elementos no se pudieron importar. Ver y solucionar los elementos fallidos
@iamgaarden @Lullaby @thestorygraph @bookstodon Perhaps #Bookwyrm is more the kind of thing you're looking for? It's part of the Fediverse so you might be able to reply to reviews from Mastodon, although TBH I never really managed to get the Fediverse integration to work so I'm not sure.
My impression of #TheStoryGraph is that it seems to focus more on reviews, reading history, and goals, and less on social features.
@gavi @TeaKayB I tried #Bookwyrm a while ago but I consistently had trouble with it not recognizing books. Maybe I should give it another look.
Personally I've been using #TheStoryGraph and am very happy with it! I mean, it's not perfect but it does what I need to do pretty well, and it's much cleaner than I remember #GoodReads being.
#Bookwyrm #thestorygraph #goodreads
@TeaKayB You may already know about it, but there is #bookwyrm, which is essentially the fediverse alternative to Goodreads.
I'd never seen TheStoryGraph, and I'll say now Bookwyrm doesn't do the exact same thing (no graphs of book progress, etc), but I like Bookwyrm plenty for tracking my books and seeing reviews.
“Heaven and Earth Grocery Store”
by James McBride
A rare dabble in #Fiction, for me!
#BookWyrm #Books #JamesMcBride @bookstodon
#BooksofMastodon https://bookwyrm.social/user/LarryS/generatednote/2490838
#BooksofMastodon #bookstodon #jamesmcbride #Books #Bookwyrm #fiction #nowreading
I am still figuring out how things work, but I just imported my GoodReads profile into BookWyrm and I am thrilled to now be sharing my reading interests with the Fediverse rather than with Amazon! :)
“American Psychosis
An Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy”
by David Corn
#BookWyrm #Books #Bookstodon #Read #BooksofMastodon
@bookstadon https://bookwyrm.social/user/LarryS/generatednote/2490733
#BooksofMastodon #read #bookstodon #Books #Bookwyrm #finishedreading
@Kyrylys Es un identificador numérico que aparece en el enlace de un libro o edición particular en #Goodreads. Se utiliza como un método más para categorizar distintas versiones de una misma obra y, a su vez, para facilitar la importación de la actividad de aquellos usuarios que estén migrando a #BookWyrm.
Ahora que estoy trasteando un poquito más con #Bookwyrm (por lo menos quiero tener bien los libros leídos en 2023) es que en cada ficha hay un apartado dónde se pueden poner links de compra hacia la editorial o a préstamos bibliotecarios como #ebiblio / #eliburuteguia o a la web del autor y se puede indicar si es compra, préstamo o gratuito. Eso me mola mucho ^^
#Bookwyrm #ebiblio #eliburuteguia #literaverso #libros #literatura
Alguien sabe qué es la clave goodreads que hay wn la ficha de un libro en #bookwyrm?
"Ravage" de Barjavel.
J'ai écrit ce que j'en ai pensé sur #BookWyrm, si ça t'intéresse (avec spoiler) :
Well, I just managed to add my Winds of Destiny books to Bookwyrm. 😎
I stuck them into a list called Hannah Steenbock's Books - because that's what you do, right?
Would love if you could give them a rating or something. But only if you read them.
(South Breaks is free in all stores, or should be. Amazon sometimes messes with that.)
@losttourist@social.chatty.monster @lazerwalker @losttourist@ramblingreaders.org I will have to see if there's a #Bookwyrm instance for #otakus, as I primarily read #manga and #LightNovels... when not #reading for research purposes!
#Bookwyrm #otakus #manga #lightnovels #reading
https://bookwyrm.social/user/ericthomas I'm on #BookWyrm if anyone wants to share sci fi and fantasy recommendations. I'm currently reading (listening) to Project Hail Mary and loving it!
@OrbitalMartian@bookwyrm.social Yes I do boost all of my #Bookwyrm statuses here, in case you don’t want to follow multiple of my accounts, and I shall continue to do so!
#fediverse #Bookwyrm #book
J'ai envie de rejoindre bookwyrm pour partager mes lectures mais je ne trouve pas d'instance française. DItes moi les mastonautes vous en connaissez ? Partagez le lien si c'est le cas. Merci à tous, repouet apprécié.
Added an account on @bookwyrm #BookWyrm https://bookwyrm.social/user/devlord - I'm tired of the low-quality ads in my Goodreads emails. Looks like spam.