Bonjour les p’tits mammouths, bien dormi ?
Tell me why I don’t like mondays
The silicon chip inside her head
Gets switched to overload
And nobody's gonna go to school today
She's gonna make them stay at home
The Boomtown Rats - I Don't Like Mondays - Live Aid - 1985
#pouetradio #music #BoomtownRats #live
[1977] Marc - Pop music series presented by T. Rex's lead singer Marc Bolan. It ran for six weekly episodes in the autumn of 1977, before its host died in a car crash on 16 September that year. Featuring Hawkwind and The Boomtown Rats.
#OldBritishTelly #MarcBolan #BoomtownRats #hawkwind
@uitlander Tellmewhy?
It's at this point you simply repeat your statement. We continue to repeat this farce backwards and forward with you offering no explanation, renendering my inquiry entirely null and void. #boomtownrats
Great moment. The charts had been dominated by #Grease for weeks with number ones for JT and ONJ. #BoomtownRats ripping up their photos as Rat Trap hits number one. #musichistory #musichistodon
#musichistodon #musichistory #BoomtownRats #grease
RIP Garry Roberts #BoomtownRats