Ian Watt · @watty62
329 followers · 498 posts · Server mstdn.social
Ian Watt · @watty62
343 followers · 528 posts · Server mstdn.social
Cainmark 🚲 · @cainmark
384 followers · 4529 posts · Server mstdn.social

Went through a new round of following and boosting. Will probably unfollow a lot in the near future, but I want people with as many different interests as I have to find each other.

Then I can slide back into my introvert corner.

#follow #boosting #BoostWelcome

Last updated 2 years ago

Kai Klostermann :popos: · @odddev
115 followers · 617 posts · Server mstdn.social

Why can we not transform WebP files into data URIs? Is there a reason for it or is it yet to be implemented?

Second question: from a point of view, is a data URI preferable over a statically referenced webp-file? So, shall I rather create PNGs?

#BoostWelcome #Web #Dev #performance

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian Watt · @watty62
280 followers · 399 posts · Server mstdn.social

According to there are 18,218 universities worldwide.

I've worked out ( w.wiki/65$4 ) that 37 of the Wikidata entries have Mastodon accounts associated with them (not including bot accounts and sub-department accounts).

I'm confident there are more. 😀

Can you share this appeal widely, please, to either add Mastodon addresses to Wikidata items by editing directly, or letting me know of others and I'll add them.

[Edited to add missing bracket]

#Boost #BoostWelcome #wikidata

Last updated 2 years ago

Kai Klostermann :popos: · @odddev
111 followers · 544 posts · Server mstdn.social

Hey &

Do you have any fresh or unique for a , open, and welcomming ? The goal is not to do the MANG-thing ("reverse a binary tree") but to see whether the person knows their stuff on a fundamental level and fits from a workflow perspective without putting them in an awkward position or under pressure.
What worked for you?

Please :)

#BoostWelcome #Boost #interview #Tech #positive #ideas #managers #Recruiters #engineers #devs

Last updated 2 years ago

Clayton Errington 🖥️ · @cjerrington
40 followers · 356 posts · Server mstdn.social

Anyone use an app like the following to track their tv shows and release dates and next episodes? What are some pro/cons to them? For your reading pleasure, sorry can’t watch this one: cnet.com/tech/services-and-sof

#tvshow #BoostWelcome #AskFedi

Last updated 2 years ago

Christian 👀 · @cs
61 followers · 1070 posts · Server social.froonix.org

Wo bekommt man eigentlich USB-C Kabel mit einem sehr dünnen Gehäuse? ☹️

Meine neue Tastatur hat so eine blöde tief versenkte Buchse und ich hätte gerne ein Ersatzkabel: cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/bDCd

#followerpower #BoostWelcome

Last updated 2 years ago