It can't be an equal union when it was formed at the end of a sword! Also, not equal, if you can't exercise your right to #self-determination about your constitutional future without permission of an #English man or woman.
I think #NI will be away before #Scotland. #Brexit broke everything & it isn't for fixing. Also we have the #UN protected international peace agreement to allow us our #BorderPoll
I think with demographic changes here, the growth of the middle ground
#self #english #ni #scotland #brexit #un #BorderPoll
@therightarticle Northern Ireland and Scotland would like to leave now. We are so much better than this. #IndependentScotland #ui #Think32 #BorderPoll
#IndependentScotland #ui #Think32 #BorderPoll
Oh I have a very different form of government in mind for #NI
After #brexit, I don't care what colour the government is! I want them to set out the conditions for #BorderPoll to be called. Then along with the #NI Assembly start preparing a #whitepaper & forming #citizens assemblies - to prepare what a New Ireland will look like.
When the vote is called, we should know what we are voting for. Plus we should aim to win it. No repeat of the #Brexit nonsense.
#ni #brexit #BorderPoll #whitepaper #citizens
In splendid isolation in 21st century. Thanks to Ireland having close relationships with the EU & America, they were supported against a malicious British Government & their toxic agenda.
I think we all can see what the direction of travel is for the calling of a #BorderPoll. What comes after is anyone's guess.
One thing it won't be happening is Ireland 'rejoining' the UK or the Commonwealth.
100% Harriett. The more the world see the #DUP for what they are the better. Unionism's days of running this place are over. What we are watching is the usual suspects trying to hold onto the dying of the light. What happens next with #Stormont, will be on the heads of Jeff and the DUP. If they are left outside then that is on them. When the #BritishGovernment announce a #BorderPoll, it will be the consequence of the #DUP making this place unworkable. #NIpolitics
#dup #stormont #britishgovernment #BorderPoll #NIpolitics
Excellent, mature & thought provoking piece by @jarriesam via the @sluggerotoole platform though I disagree with the assertion that “The union is safe in the immediate term”.
I think the Tories & their extreme-BREXIT short sightedness has utterly destroyed any notion that we’re in a Political Union or a unitary state of equal small “nations”
Truly, a great read.
A solution for Northern Ireland
#ukpolitics #irishpolitics #austerity #economics #EU #Ireland #NIreland #Partition #Republic #BorderPoll
#ukpolitics #irishpolitics #austerity #economics #EU #ireland #NIreland #partition #republic #BorderPoll
Video now posted to the piece by John Manley of the Irish News:
#irishpolitics #BritishPolitics #brexitfailure #BorderPoll #thefuture
N.Ireland would vote decisively against a united #Ireland if there was a #BorderPoll, according to an Ipsos opinion poll for a new research project into North-South relations and political views on the future of the island.
The poll shows almost twice as many voters who expressed a preference want #NorthernIreland to remain in the #UnitedKingdom.
In the Republic, however, there is a majority of more than four to one in favour of unity, according to a simultaneous poll.
#ireland #BorderPoll #NorthernIreland #unitedkingdom
This poll from both Northern Ireland and the Republic, however, clearly shows that support for Irish reunification is very far away in NI.
#BorderPoll Opinion Poll
In Republic 66% would back Irish unity. 16% would vote against it.
In Northern Ireland 27% would back Unity, 50% would reject it.
An opinion piece by Suzanne Breen the political editor for the Belfast Telegraph on Wednesday nights #IrelandsFuture and #TogetherUK gatherings.
Union or unity? How opposing sides set out stalls at Ireland’s Future and Together UK rallies
#IrelandsFuture #togetheruk #irishpolitics #BritishPolitics #referendum #BorderPoll #options
@davidallengreen Not sure many people will understand that distinction, accurate though it is. What the judgement does is explain the reality of devolution under the otherwise unwritten UK constitution. It usefully explains why even a #BorderPoll remains at the discretion of the Secretary of State for #NorthernIreland and is therefore unlikely to be used for at least another generation, regardless of SF’s stream of statements to the contrary.
Latest LucidTalk poll:
SF 32, SDLP 7, AÚ 1, PBP 1 = 41% UI
DUP 27, UUP 9, TUV 5 = 41% UK
AP, GP, Ind = 18% (all to play for)
We're heading towards the point where any British SoS will no longer be able to justify avoiding a #borderpoll
Simple majority. 50+1. In both jurisdictions. As laid in the GFA and by the British constitution unit in their “Working group on Unification Referendums on the Island of Ireland” report. #BorderPoll #NIPolitics #IrishUnity
#BorderPoll #NIpolitics #IrishUnity