#BorisFX acquires #Syntheyes
annoyed that #borisfx colours the inside of this "P" with a dark purple, not a light purple
If you are a #mandalorian or #vfx fan, check out how my software, #BorisFX Silhouette is used for #rotoscoping and digital paint work by Image Engine.
#rotoscoping #BorisFX #vfx #mandalorian
Silhouette can now export cryptomattes! Both layer and shape based types - which is pretty interesting. I wonder about the speed of this solution - exr with Nuke cryptomatte node against a bunch of png sequences. #borisfx https://youtu.be/M_HGJuvyT_M
Hey everyone!
Next year will be my 30th year in the VFX software industry.
I've written various tools, some well-known, starting with Elastic Reality, No Strings Attached, LFX and Image Independence on SGI in the 90s, then Avid Marquee for SGI. Then I wrote plugins for After Effects and Avid, namely Useful Things which was a Python-powered mograph plugin. More recently I'm responsible for #BorisFX Optics and #Silhouette, which is a popular rotoscoping and paint system.
In chapter 2.1 of Digital Expressions, my assignment was to apply a filter to a photo. This is way too rudimentary, so I elaborated upon it.
I started by finding two stock photos that I thought would go together. I then took them into #BorisFX Optics and searched for an effect that would look good on them. I'm happy with the result.
#photoshop #photography #art #mastoart #BorisFX