Bethany Berger · @Bethanyrberger
791 followers · 859 posts · Server

The Texas Observer reports on Tx Dep't of Agriculture's new dress code: ”Employees are expected to comply with this dress code in a manner consistent with their biological gender" [sic] & will face "corrective action" if they don't.

This is literally what the Supreme Court held violated Title VII in . In 2020! In a Gorsuch opinion! I know the is in tatters, but seriously . . .
@TexasObserver @oconnell +

#Trans #SCOTUS #Texas #LGBTQIA #transphobia #ruleoflaw #Bostock

Last updated 2 years ago

apple502j · @apple502j
42 followers · 165 posts · Server

11th Circuit created a circuit split in case - the en banc decision in Adams v. School Bd. of St. Jones Cnty. case ruled the law was constitutional.

This is a direct conflict with several circuits, including 4th (Grimm v. Gloucester Cnty. School Bd.) and 7th (Whitaker ex rel. Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School Dist.) and likely conflicts with ruling in . Expect a Supreme Court ruling next year.

#trans #bathroombill #scotus #Bostock

Last updated 2 years ago

also jess 🏴‍☠️ · @jessdkant
553 followers · 85 posts · Server

As someone who admittedly doesn't know nearly as much about life in as she would like to, it's striking to see where the two countries are now when you realize Pakistan's Persons Protection of Rights Act and occurred in the same year (2020).

Would love to connect with anyone in Pakistan who can give more context to this; I'd be deeply grateful. I'm having trouble with the way this is written for some reason— "rehabilitation" is really throwing me off (see 2nd image).

#trans #pakistan #transgender #Bostock

Last updated 2 years ago