One doesn’t even need to know the two parties’ policy positions to know there is a world of difference in their vision and character. Poetry and grace on one side, thuggishness and fury on the other. Americans cannot say they lack a stark choice.

Jennifer Rubin nails it in this latest opinion piece on the contrasts between the Democratic and Republican parties.

Jeffries governs in poetry, Biden in grace — and the GOP in thuggishness


Last updated 2 years ago

One doesn’t even need to know the two parties’ policy positions to know there is a world of difference in their vision and character. Poetry and grace on one side, thuggishness and fury on the other. Americans cannot say they lack a stark choice.

Jennifer Rubin nails it in this latest opinion piece on the contrasts between the Democrat and Republican parties.

Jeffries governs in poetry, Biden in grace — and the GOP in thuggishness


Last updated 2 years ago

Violence is unacceptable whether from the left or right, period. But we can’t allow GOP leaders to get away with this false moral equivalency. They are evading their responsibility for their extremist rhetoric that all too often motivates extremist actions.

Republican leaders and talking heads have fanned the flames of violence with their rhetoric. Every verbal attack against Dem leaders is a dog whistle to the most extreme and violent members of their party.

Don’t blame ‘both sides.’ The right is driving political violence.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tony Stark · @TonyStark
10242 followers · 18603 posts · Server

Thanks to the Biden administration, but no thanks to most of the press who devoted exactly zero stories to the terrible conditions under which freight railroad workers are compelled to operate.

Salary and health care are important. But railroad workers have also been subjected to an “on call” system that makes it impossible to have a normal life.

Try getting a doctor’s appointment that takes some time to set up or getting to your kid’s Open House under that system.

Corporate profits in the rail industry are through the roof. It's time for the people who are really responsible for these profits benefit from their sacrifices that have improved productivity.

Oh, and by the way, .

Biden says a tentative railway labor deal has been reached, averting strike:


Last updated 2 years ago

Tony Stark · @TonyStark
10267 followers · 18603 posts · Server

Polis is a good governor.

And in case anybody still doesn't get it,

#ElectDemocrats #ElectionsMatter #BothPartiesAreNotTheSame

Last updated 3 years ago

HawkEye · @ClintBarton
438 followers · 14530 posts · Server


Definitely not the same ...

Only one party wants to take away health care from millions of Americans.

Only one party wants to use every tool to stop the other side from voting.

Only one party stands against LBGTQ rights.

Only one party Stands against America's multicultural, multiracial National identity.

Only one party Threatens to shut down the government And default on our debt.

Only one party is anti-climate, anti-science, and anti-environment. (As I said before)

I think we all know which party that is ...

#BothPartiesAreNotTheSame #ElectionsMatter

Last updated 3 years ago

Tony Stark · @TonyStark
10279 followers · 18603 posts · Server

Get exhausted with doing everyone's homework for them, but here I go, again.

TFG rolled back tons of previous environmental legislation.

"Under Trump, the EPA has cut back on enforcement of clean water laws in the Great Lakes region-
Two months after President Donald Trump took office, U.S. Steel dumped a plume of cancer-causing metal into a Lake Michigan tributary 20 miles away from a Chicago drinking water intake."

Biden is both restoring it and making progress on it.

It will take longer than 7 months to fix. Anyone paying any attention would know this. And if they weren't paying attention, maybe they should listen to people who are.

#ElectionsMatter #BothPartiesAreNotTheSame

Last updated 3 years ago

Tony Stark · @TonyStark
10280 followers · 18603 posts · Server

Yet another example of a Republican politician who is willing to cause suffering, create further stress and misery to already stretched thin medical staff and hospitals, and risk lives in an attempt to appeal more than the next guy to the base of a former president who lost his re-election.

How many children will get sick and die before these hypocritical and self-centered “leaders” back off from their positions, if they ever do?

COVID-19 is exploding in Arizona schools. Gov. Ducey needs to act now:

#VoteThemOut #BothPartiesAreNotTheSame

Last updated 3 years ago

Tony Stark · @TonyStark
10285 followers · 18603 posts · Server

This repeats a trend: GOP mismanages and we get a deep recession. Dems clean up and things improve.

Here's an interesting observation from the article, though. New hires were down in April and May and there were wage increases as a result. Now in June, there are stronger new hire numbers. If you pay people more, they'll want to take the job.

Tax cuts to corporations don't do it. Paying people something closer to decent does. Which party wants to raise wages? Which party passed COVID relief by itself to get the economy where it is right now? The same party that knew how to manage a pandemic to start with.

U.S. Adds 850,000 Jobs in June:

#VoteBlue #BothPartiesAreNotTheSame

Last updated 3 years ago

Pixxburgh Girl · @PixxburghGirl
606 followers · 10664 posts · Server

@TonyStark Another big example of


Last updated 4 years ago

Democrats: Send FEMA& aid to TX amidst a devastating storm that left so many without heat& power.
Republicans: Flee the disaster for a vacation or tell people that the govt doesn't owe them any help. 'the strong will survive'

#BothPartiesAreNotTheSame #TedFled

Last updated 4 years ago

Maria Hill · @MariaHill
2427 followers · 12774 posts · Server

@TonyStark I was concerned when Ducklo was only suspended for a week. I appreciate that 24 hours later, he turned in his resignation. Anyone who has worked in an office understands what it means when something like that comes out and then the person resigns the next day. I don't need to see something fired to be assured that as long as they're no longer working in the Biden administration.


Last updated 4 years ago

Tony Stark · @TonyStark
10296 followers · 18621 posts · Server

The right thing to do.

I'm grateful for an administration that will follow through on accountability, especially after today.


Last updated 4 years ago

We needed the assistance Dems were proposing almost a year ago. We still ao because GOP is STILL dragging their heels, even though they no longer hold the majority. The whole lot can sod off, Dems will send it through without them. But I hope not a single Republican thinks that by election time we'll forget them doing their damnest to get in the way& prevent this relief aid from reaching the American people.

#BothPartiesAreNotTheSame #DemocratsWorkForThePeople

Last updated 4 years ago

Jen · @Jen
165 followers · 7167 posts · Server

@TonyStark Theiving clowns are out in 2 more days. Oh, and


Last updated 4 years ago

Pixxburgh Girl · @PixxburghGirl
606 followers · 10664 posts · Server

Always so telling that Republicans don't want votes to count and Democrats fight for them to.

USA TODAY: Trump, some Republicans suspicious of low rejected ballot numbers:


Last updated 4 years ago

Tony Stark · @TonyStark
10312 followers · 18627 posts · Server


Congratulations to Deb Haaland!

Almost every one of Biden's cabinet appointments has a direct connection, by experience but more so, by their own community, to the programs they are charged to run.  

And this is a wonderful thing. 

Oh, and :voteblue:


Last updated 4 years ago