Arms dealer Viktor #Bout sent #Trump a telegram and invited him to #Russia, "from where he can lead an uprising against the globalists," for a brighter future for the planet.
"I believe your life is in peril, because during your term in the White House, you had tried to save theā¦
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"Shit goes to shit". This is how war criminal Igor #Girkin commented on #Bout's joining the ranks of the #LDPR.
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Arms dealer Victor #Bout joined the ultranationalist Liberal Democratic Party of #Russia (LDPR).
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Inside the Prisoner Swap That Freed Brittney Griner #UnitedStatesInternationalRelations #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #PoliticalPrisoners #Griner,Brittney #Biden,JosephRJr #Putin,VladimirV #Bout,Viktor #Germany #Russia
#UnitedStatesInternationalRelations #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #PoliticalPrisoners #Griner #Biden #Putin #Bout #Germany #Russia
In the Deal to Free Griner, Putin Used a Familiar Lever: Pain #UnitedStatesInternationalRelations #RussianInvasionofUkraine(2022) #Women'sNationalBasketballAssn #InternationalRelations #DrugAbuseandTraffic #PoliticalPrisoners #Biden,JosephRJr #Griner,Brittney #Putin,VladimirV #UnitedStates #Bout,Viktor #Ukraine #Russia
#UnitedStatesInternationalRelations #RussianInvasionofUkraine #women #InternationalRelations #DrugAbuseandTraffic #PoliticalPrisoners #Biden #Griner #Putin #UnitedStates #Bout #Ukraine #Russia
Victor #Bout, known as the Merchant of Death, on whom the Nicolas Cage film Lord of War was based, will be invited to International Relations Committee in Russian Duma to kick off his propaganda tour on behalf of Putin. He has been traded for WNBA star Brittney Griner.
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Victor #Bout, known as the Merchant of Death, on whom the Nicholas Cage film Lord of War was based, will be invited to International Relations Committee in Russian Duma to kick off his propaganda tour on behalf of Putin. He has been traded for WNBA star Brittney Griner.
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Who Is Viktor Bout, Arms Dealer in Swap for Brittney Griner? #UnitedStatesInternationalRelations #EspionageandIntelligenceServices #RussianInvasionofUkraine(2022) #DefenseandMilitaryForces #EmbargoesandSanctions #AirlinesandAirplanes #PoliticalPrisoners #Griner,Brittney #Freight(Cargo) #UnitedStates #Bout,Viktor #GRU(Russia) #ArmsTrade #Terrorism #Russia
#UnitedStatesInternationalRelations #EspionageandIntelligenceServices #RussianInvasionofUkraine #DefenseandMilitaryForces #EmbargoesandSanctions #AirlinesandAirplanes #PoliticalPrisoners #Griner #Freight #UnitedStates #Bout #GRU #ArmsTrade #Terrorism #Russia
Who Is Viktor Bout, Russian Arms Dealer Who Could Be Involved in Griner Trade? #Griner,Brittney #Bout,Viktor #GRU(Russia)