Now when #Boxcryptor is dead (bought by Dropbox and ceased to service old clients) what should one use? Looking for a cloud encryption client that works fluently on all Apple platforms. The main reason I want an independent encryption solution is to add another layer, not use only #iCloud or #Dropbox etc.
Now when #Boxcryptor is dead (bought by Dropbox and ceased to service old clients) what should one use? Looking for a cloud encryption client that works fluently on all Apple platforms. The main reason I want an independent encryption solution is to add another layer, not use only #iCloud or #Dropbox etc.
Aaaah...#Dropbox hat #Boxcryptor uebernommen ... Ja, dann sind die per se raus für mich
Mail von #Boxcryptor bekommen wegen Deaktivierung meines Accounts und ich überlege gerade was ich letztens noch über den Anbieter gelesen hatte.
Wurden die nicht von wem kritischen übernommen ???
Hmmm. Mal recherchieren ...
Haven't had a chance to lok at the details of Boxcryptor's implementation but this at least **seems** like an encouraging move. 👀
*0-E2EE copium intensifies.*
#Technology #HumaneTechnology #Privacy #Security #DropBox #Boxcryptor
#BoxCryptor #dropbox #security #privacy #humanetechnology #technology
Dropbox übernimmt deutschen Verschlüsselungsdienst Boxcryptor #Secomba #BoxCryptor