@EuroReviewHistory Based in #LiteraryStudies, I am working on an interdisciplinary project that includes a knowledge history of #boxing in german speaking countries.
#litwiss #BoxingLiterature #BoxingDiscourse #SportsHistory #boxing #literaryStudies
Speaking of #WomensBoxing and #literature: I recently found this #Hemingway column on „Prizefight Women“ thx to @girlboxingnow on birdside.
„Toronto women were present at prizefights for the first time last Saturday night. A press agent story said there would be four hundred boxes filled with members of society attending the bouts in evening clothes. There really were about a hundred women present.“
#BoxingDiscourse #LitWiss @litstudies
#litwiss #BoxingDiscourse #hemingway #Literature #WomensBoxing
This is reflected not least in the illustrations.
#GenderConstructions #Boxsportdiskurs #BoxingDiscourse
I recently found some early german language training manuals on #boxing for women from the 1980s. What at first glance looks like boxing was slowly opening up to women in this period actually adjusts traditional #gender divisions and constructions over the newly drawn difference between 'fitness boxing' or 'boxing gymnastics' and 'real', 'genuine' or 'hard‘ boxing.
#GenderConstructions #Boxsportdiskurs #BoxingDiscourse #gender #boxing