The Monkey King! A new animated feature from Netflix and, more importantly, directed by my good friend and best buddy, Tony Stacchi. It'll be available this Friday, August 18th! I was lucky enough to help out on some storyboarding! It's a huge project lovingly made by a ton of wonderful people. Check it out, everyone! #themonkeyking #netflix #animation #boxtrolls #cartoon #storyboards #grickledoodle
#grickledoodle #storyboards #Cartoon #Boxtrolls #Animation #Netflix #themonkeyking
@claudiom It's a team, #LaikaStudios. Their movies are very good. So far, I've seen #Coraline, #ParaNorman and #Boxtrolls. The last two I watched three times, at least.
#LaikaStudios #Coraline #Paranorman #Boxtrolls
Out Now! Coraline and Boxtrolls on Bluray DVD combo
#animation #film #review #laika #coraline #Boxtrolls
Look what just arrived in the mail!
#coraline #Boxtrolls #laika #animation #film
Here's some nice news, Laika's films are getting new Blu-Ray releases!
Coraline, and The Boxtrolls arrive on August 31 with ParaNorman and Kubo and the Two Strings coming on September 14.
#animation #film #Coraline #Laika #ParaNorman #Kubo #Boxtrolls
#animation #film #coraline #laika #paranorman #kubo #Boxtrolls