MMR Nmd · @MMRnmd
534 followers · 9201 posts · Server

« Un État est né »
- Marc Rudin -

Affiche pour le Front populaire pour la libération de la Palestine (FPLP)

#affiches #palestine #fplp #FreeGeorgesAbdallah #ApartheidState #BoycottIsrael #bds

Last updated 2 years ago

· @bhyoram
7 followers · 2198 posts · Server


Dont break your fast on apartheid and genocide this Ramadan! Many date brands sold in the U.S. are Israeli owned - profiting from and exploiting Palestinian and Islamic traditions, stolen land, and Palestinian labor. 🇵🇸🇵🇸

Here’s our list of brands to boycott:



Last updated 4 years ago

Exactly, if you don't like 's methods, don't import their stuff.

Similarly if we don't like the way the people are being treated, .


We've been against + methods seen from China, , , and in .

Someone should make a for kids, matching abuses to .

#china #palestinian #BoycottIsrael #uk #israel #usa #australia #matchingGame #corporateStates #embargo #trade #ethics #labourAbuses #sandMafia #yemen #droneMurders #cloudflare #kevinRuddCoup #JulianAssangeTorture #libya #hollywood

Last updated 4 years ago

Its truely horrendous how the are being with hellatious illegal for , basic and occasional .

We recently heard 's interview with on her film on titled, .

The arm of even cut footage to make Palestinians appear worse.

Calls to are warranted. Its time they stopped stealing land - its time for .

#palestinians #gunnedDown #weapons #camping #protests #rockThrowing #ChrisHedge #abbymartin #documentary #vimeo #GazaFightsForFreedom #propaganda #israel #BoycottIsrael #peace

Last updated 5 years ago