RT @lugeration@twitter.com
❗️#Vladivostok, #Russland
Vadim #Boyko, Marineoberst und stellvertretender Leiter der Makarov Naval School, wurde tot in seinem Büro aufgefunden. Man zählte 5 Schusswunden. Er war stark bei der Mobilisierung involviert.
👉 Die 🇷🇺 Propaganda geht von einem Selbstmord aus.🤦♂️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lugeration/status/1593215001145196545
RT @igorsushko@twitter.com
Vadim #Boyko, Russian Navy Colonel & Deputy Head of Makarov Pacific Higher Naval School in #Vladivostok has been killed in his office with 5 bullets to the chest. He was heavily involved in Putin's mobilization efforts.
Russia propaganda reports it was suicide (I am not kidding). https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1593120830908616704
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1593120830908616704
RT @watch_union@twitter.com
Mit 5 Schüssen in die Brust wurde Vadim #Boyko, Marineoberst und stellvertretender Leiter der höheren Schule der Makarov Pazifik Marine in #Vladivostok, ermordet.
Laut russischer Propaganda war es Selbstmord.
/PM https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1593120830908616704
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/watch_union/status/1593316227400847360
Erneut hat es einen mysteriösen #Todesfall im russischen Militär gegeben
Vize-Chef von Putins Marine-Schule
Nach Angaben des russischen Telegramkanals "Far East Vedomosti" habe sich der 44-jährige Oberst Vadim #Boyko erschossen
Sicherheitshalber tötete er sich selbst mit 5 Schüssen 🤔
RT @igorsushko@twitter.com
Vadim #Boyko, Russian Navy Colonel & Deputy Head of Makarov Pacific Higher Naval School in #Vladivostok has been killed in his office with 5 bullets to the chest. He was heavily involved in Putin's mobilization efforts.
Russia propaganda reports it was suicide (I am not kidding). https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1593120830908616704
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1593120830908616704
RT @igorsushko@twitter.com
Vadim #Boyko, Russian Navy Colonel & Deputy Head of Makarov Pacific Higher Naval School in #Vladivostok has been killed in his office with 5 bullets to the chest. He was heavily involved in Putin's mobilization efforts.
Russia propaganda reports it was suicide (I am not kidding). https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1593120830908616704
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1593120830908616704
Vadim #Boyko, Russian Navy Colonel & Deputy Head of Makarov Pacific Higher Naval School in #Vladivostok has been killed in his office with 5 bullets to the chest. He was heavily involved in Putin's mobilization efforts.
Russia propaganda reports it was suicide (I am not kidding). https://nitter.it/i/web/status/1593120830908616704
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1593120830908616704
A #map of #endangered #languages in #Europe. The map is quite interesting: it is more detailed than usual; it shows languages with a history of migration or deportation twice (say, #Karaim is shown as extinct in #Crimea, but endangered in the #Baltics). It also makes some interesting naming decisions:
1. East #Rusyn (#Boyko) is called Rusyn, while West is called East #Slovak
(continued in the next toot)
#map #endangered #languages #Europe #Karaim #crimea #Baltics #Rusyn #Boyko #slovak