Kotaku: Fullmetal Alchemist Is A Brilliant, Piercing Critique Of Capitalism https://kotaku.com/fullmetal-alchemist-anime-manga-capitalism-alchemy-1850730164 #gaming #tech #kotaku #prostheticsinfiction #fullmetalalchemist #philosophersstone #alphonseelric #winryrockbell #hiromuarakawa #vanhohenheim #edwardelric #maeshughes #shoutucker #fuhrerking #roymustang #funimation #hohenheim #cornello #bradley #aniplex #alchemy #edward #xerxes #marcoh #fuhrer #bones #izumi #scar #nina #ling #ed #al
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #prostheticsinfiction #fullmetalalchemist #philosophersstone #alphonseelric #winryrockbell #hiromuarakawa #vanhohenheim #edwardelric #maeshughes #shoutucker #fuhrerking #roymustang #funimation #hohenheim #cornello #Bradley #aniplex #alchemy #edward #xerxes #marcoh #fuhrer #bones #izumi #scar #nina #ling #ed #al
"The ministry, which shared the clip on social media, called the Western vehicles 'our trophies' and argued that the condition in which they were found 'indicates the rapid pace of the engagement and the abandonment of the battle-ready hardware by the Ukrainian armed forces.'"
#Bradley #Leopard
#Ucraina #Russia #Germania #Usa
L’esercito russo ha catturato carri armati tedeschi #Leopard e BMP #Bradley di fabbricazione statunitense. Lo afferma il ministero della Difesa russo.
«Alcuni dei veicoli da combattimento hanno i motori accesi, il che indica che la battaglia è stata di breve durata e che gli equipaggi dei veicoli da combattimento delle forze armate ucraine sono fuggiti». Lo riporta Ria Novosti.
Sole 24 Ore
#ucraina #russia #germania #usa #Leopard #Bradley
Le immagini della colonna di cingolati americani #Bradley e carri armati tedeschi #Leopard 2 bloccati dalle mine e poi distrutti dall’artiglieria russa sono state ampiamente utilizzate da Mosca per motivare le truppe al fronte e dimostrare ancora una volta che la #Russia combatte indirettamente contro la #NATO e l’#Occidente.
Gianandrea Gaiani (direttore Analisi Difesa)
#controffensiva #ucraina #Bradley #Leopard #russia #NATO #Occidente
"[Clip first appeared in Ukro- media, was apparently shot in Russia’s #Zaporozhye] shows the US-supplied infantry fighting vehicle repeatedly firing in the direction of the nearby woods.
Two more armored vehicles in the pic appear to be abandoned, while another #Bradley explodes as it passes by, after apparently hitting a mine.
Then…attempts by the surviving Ukrainian soldiers to evacuate under Russian fire, while trying to create a smoke screen to cover their retreat.~
FMC Corporation composite Bradley IFV.
Early 90s.
#Bradley #IFV
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1633867508015874049
#Ukraine's military training on #Bradley BFV. ✊ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1632429814383808512
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1632429814383808512
Ukrainian Bradley
#Ukraine #bradley
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1627600595333926918
They will be soon in Ukraine.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1620261589667680257
#Bradley Fighting Vehicles on its way to #Ukraine. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1617572661822996502
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1617572661822996502
According to the new DOT&E the Elbit #IronFist – Light Decoupled (IFLD) #APS continues to face effectiveness deficiencies.
#USArmy tested the IFLD APS installed on #Bradley A4 from
2QFY22 to 4QFY22. Performance has
improved since Phase I in 2018, but it's still have problems.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1616351790802288642
#IronFist #APS #usarmy #Bradley
The new package will include 90 #Stryker armored vehicles and 59 #Bradley infantry fighting vehicles in addition to the 50 already provided. This will allow Ukraine to create two brigades of armored vehicles
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/RubrykaEng/status/1616343336624717824
The US is finalizing a massive package of military aid for #Ukraine that #USA officials say is likely to total as much as $2.6 billion. It’s expected to include for the 1st time nearly 100 Stryker AFV and at least 50 Bradley IFV.
🇺🇦🤝🇺🇲 #Bradley #Stryker
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1615938828967227392
#Ukraine #USA #Bradley #Stryker
The Russians are so terrified that they have already begun to circulate a guidance on how to destroy Bradley.
#Bradley #IFV #Ukraine
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1613774159233912832
The Russian army has already destroyed four Bradley IFVs
#Ukraine #Bradley #russianArmy
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1613614383568912392
#Ukraine #Bradley #RussianArmy
U.S. weapons package for Ukraine includes 50 Bradley Fighting Vehicles -officials.
Germany announced a decision to send Marder IFVs and a Patriot battery to Ukraine.
#Ukraine 🇺🇦🤝 🇺🇲🇩🇪 #USA #Germany #Bradley #Marder #IFV #Patriots #SAM
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1611263351429931008
#Ukraine #USA #Germany #Bradley #Marder #IFV #patriots #SAM
🇺🇸 Bradley and Borsuk 🇵🇱
#USArmy #WojskoPolskie #IFV #Bradley #Borsuk
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1598943331311943681
#usarmy #WojskoPolskie #IFV #Bradley #Borsuk
- 转发 @剧焦Theatre : 将在伦敦西区桑德海姆剧院举办的桑德海姆纪念演唱会《Sondheim's Old Friends》放出预告片,看到球叔 #Michale Ball 、总裁 #Bradley Jaden 等不少熟悉面孔,麦金托什、马修·伯恩和玛丽亚·弗赖德曼正在指导排练,让我们在《Company》的旋律中看看这次演出的Company吧 [打call] 这次演出也会同步在剧场直播,希望之后有机会能看到。 :sys_link: 剧焦Theatre的微博视频 https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4763172377395226
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/6964215143/LqvsDtkSf
#Michale #Bradley #StephenSondheim