"Australian researchers have for the first time diagnosed a female athlete with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a progressive degenerative brain disease caused by repeated head injuries, in a finding which will have major implications for women’s sport.
The Australian rules footballer and Adelaide premiership player Heather Anderson died in November 2022 at the age of 28, with her unexpected death the subject of an ongoing coronial investigation." #sport #concussion #CTE #ChronicTraumaticEncephalopathy #BrainInjury #BrainDamage #health #medical #dementia #medicine #Brain #Australia #AustralianRules #RugbyLeague #football #research #science
Australian footballer Heather Anderson first case of CTE in a female athlete diagnosed by researchers | Health | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jul/04/first-case-cte-female-athlete-aflw-player-heather-anderson-diagnosed-australian-researchers
#sport #concussion #cte #chronictraumaticencephalopathy #braininjury #BrainDamage #health #medical #dementia #medicine #brain #australia #australianrules #rugbyleague #football #research #science
On May 25, 1988, Brain Damage debuted in France. Here’s a portrait of Rick Hearst!
#BrainDamage #BrainDamage1988 #HorrorMovies #SplatterFilm #TheLastDriveIn #HorrorArt #CultCinema #HorrorComedy #SplatterComedy #MovieArt #Art #BlackAndWhiteArt #BMovies #MovieHistory
#BrainDamage #braindamage1988 #horrormovies #splatterfilm #thelastdrivein #horrorart #cultcinema #horrorcomedy #splattercomedy #movieart #art #blackandwhiteart #bmovies #moviehistory
Está claro que no estamos ante un LP normal. Por ejemplo, el inicio es un latido, como si viniéramos a este mundo; nada de canciones explosivas para tener las espadas en alto desde el principio. Los temas se van sucediendo unos a otros sin que te des cuenta, como buen álbum conceptual.
También, cuando estás totalmente inmerso en la escucha, te despiertan decenas de relojes de pared, como si hubieras estado soñando. Son unos cachondos estos Pink Floyd.
Es posible que el único tema realmente comercial del disco sea #Money y por eso fue single, pero mis favoritos son los dos que cierran el disco de manera apoteósica: #BrainDamage y #Eclipse, sin olvidarnos de #UsAndThem, cuya influencia puede notarse en muchos grupos posteriores. Me viene #FlamingLips a la cabeza, por ejemplo.
Esta edición es la del cuadragésimo aniversario, en 2013 y, como no puede ser de otra forma, ya han sacado la edición del 50 aniversario. ¿Se queda obsoleta mi copia? ¡De ningún modo! Cuenta con varias pegatinas, un par de posters y una presentación preciosa y muy cuidada. Uno de los LP que le dan lustre a mi colección.
#money #BrainDamage #eclipse #usandthem #flaminglips #pinkfloyd #thedarksideofthemoon #eugenelo
"Wearing a helmet or soft headgear does not protect against concussions, according to experts who are calling for greater public awareness around the issue.
It comes ahead of a public hearing of the Senate inquiry into concussions and repeated head trauma in contact sports, to be held in Melbourne on Wednesday.
Repeated studies have shown that headgear being able to protect players from concussions in contact sport is a myth." #concussion #BrainInjury #BrainDamage #brain #sport #science #neurophysiology #NRL #AFL #dementia #CTE
Wearing headgear for sport does not protect against concussion, Australian experts warn | Concussion in sport | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/apr/26/wearing-headgear-for-sport-does-not-protect-against-concussion-australian-experts-warn
#concussion #braininjury #BrainDamage #brain #sport #science #neurophysiology #nrl #afl #dementia #cte
“Hi Ren”:
#ChronicIllness #Misdiagnosis #LymeDisease
The story continues:
He was misdiagnosed for years. He had Lyme Disease and it gave him immune and brain damage that remained after the Lyme cleared.
Ren’s crowdfund:
He made his goal. The explainer is 😞The update is 🙂😞🤔🤞
Part of it:
“Basically, when I got sick with #LymeDisease it was misdiagnosed for so long that it destroyed my immune system and taught it bad habits, its similar to #LongCovid in that even when you get rid of the Lyme disease from your body you still experience the symptoms, and I have been in a 24/7 battle with #pain and #fatigue and many #allergies I never used to have.”
Ongoing treatment:
A Day in the Life of Ren:
#MCAS #AutoImmunity #BrainDamage
They’re trying to rebuild his brain and immune system. He couldn’t get this kind of stuff done through the #NHS.
These things are what I struggle to make people understand: the system doesn’t help what it doesn’t or refuses understand. If you have anything ‘weird’ or complex it’s very hard to get help.
#chronicillness #misdiagnosis #lymedisease #LongCovid #pain #fatigue #allergies #mcas #autoimmunity #BrainDamage #nhs
“Hi Ren”:
A Day in the Life of Ren: https://youtube.com/shorts/W6jKUMTlfW4?feature=share
#chronicillness #mcas #autoimmunity #BrainDamage
Reading about #HomoNaledi (an #extinct species of humanoid that lived 335,000–236,000 years ago.
Apparently they had a much smaller #brain that modern humans despite brain #anatomy appearing to be very similar.
Putting that together with research coming out of the #COVID19 space regarding viral induced #BrainDamage and loss of grey matter, I just wonder whether modern humans evolved larger brains in order to deal with viral induced brain damage. Perhaps as we expanded in numbers and were exposed to more brain damaging viral pathogens our brains became larger to compensate for the grey matter loss?!
Any #Scientists willing to weigh-in on this #Theory?
#homonaledi #extinct #brain #anatomy #COVID19 #BrainDamage #scientists #theory
Meetings are pure hell for me because I don't process audio quickly and it's so easy for me to tune out.
This is definitely a #BrainDamage problem but I wonder if people with #ExecutiveDysfunction (like from #ADHD) deal with the same problem? And if you have any tips?
#BrainDamage #executivedysfunction #adhd
Ese enfoque se puede visualizar no solo a través de la escritura sino en las imágenes que nos sugieren algunos videos. Un claro ejemplo son #BrainDamage y #Eclipse que disfrutaremos a continuación. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaMTGSS-WYw
Can VO2max and balance mitigate the effects of #tbi and post-concussive brain damage? #braindamage #trauma #breath https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fspor.2021.725096/full
#breath #trauma #BrainDamage #TBI