Will your #BrainMachine #interface get #bricked, #hacked, or be used to compel you to obey your "#employer" or #government?
Yes, to all, and worse. Bricked and hacked #bio #devices already exist, for example.
Though not near, this is the kind of bio-#tech melding I believe will ultimately be forced upon most, if not everyone (but the wealthy overlords).
There will be classes and types of hybrids, as in #BraveNewWorld.
The #machines will be us so yes, they will win.
#machines #bravenewworld #Tech #devices #bio #Government #employer #Hacked #bricked #interface #BrainMachine
When I've started building my #BrainMachine (*), I was thinking of bringing it to outdoor parties (I even brought an early single-preset version to one). Then #covid happened. Yesterday was perhaps the first nature party @neo and I have been to in years, and we've brought a couple of machines. It's really a great experience to do this in such a setting (sound, vibes, etc.) 🕉️
(*) https://is.gd/selfservicebrainwash for what it does, how to use it, how to build one, theoretical background links, etc.
זהו. פורסמה ההקלטה.
תודה ל https://www.makelab.org.il שהפיקו את כל זה, ול @neo אהובתי שנתנה לי פידבקים כשהתכוננתי, והסכימה "לדגמן" #BrainMachine בזמן ההרצאה.
Got tired of my heavy duty #BrainMachine goggles, so I rigged myself a lighter pair #DIY
Originally, the audio part of my "mono" #BrainMachine was a stereo 3.5" jack that I could connect to an amp of my choice, but come to think of it: no need for the flexibility in amplification of a crude [mono, mind you] boop-boop sound, so I switched to a small #lm386 based amp+speaker circuit. https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Speaker-p-1445.html
Isn't it cute?
מאוד נהניתי. מחכה להקלטה.
בתמונה, @neo ואני מדגימים כל מיני #BrainMachine תוצרת בית. אני בחולצת #תווותים
ביום רביעי ב20:00 אני עושה הרצאת זום על הכוונת גלי מוח (brainwave entrainment) באמצעות "מכונת מוח" (#BrainMachine) מבוססת ארדואינו
The audio of the #BrainMachine at https://is.gd/selfservicebrainwash is binaural beats https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beats#Binaural_beats which requires it to be stereo.
Isochronic tones ( see https://isochronic.io/ ) and replacing the 2-led goggles with a stronger light, can make it possible to share the experience with others without being encumbered by earphones and cables.
It's far from competing with a Lucia N°03 ( https://www.light-attendance.eu/en/ ) 😉, but it's a cool hypnotic experience.
#arduino #diy #mind #tweak
#tweak #mind #diy #arduino #BrainMachine
It also works nicely in a hammock
#diy #arduino #BrainMachine #procrastination
#procrastination #BrainMachine #arduino #diy