I just don't think we need a Doctor Who Magic The Gathering set until we have an ACTUAL BRANDIN SANDERSON SET. like Sanderson has TALKED ABOUT WHAT COLORS DIFFERENT CHARACTERS WOULD BE. He's a real mtg player! And yet we still have NO SANDERSETS.
#mtg #magicthegathering #BrandonSanderson #Sanderson
My daughter recently read #YumiAndTheNightmarePainter by #BrandonSanderson and is channeling #Yumi a bit by stacking stones. #Cosmere
#cosmere #yumi #BrandonSanderson #yumiandthenightmarepainter
Hätte B. traven fantasy geschrieben, würde es sich sicherlich ähnlich lesen wie #BrandonSanderson
Höre gerade wieder Der Weg der Könige, glaub zum fünften Mal. Eine der besten Fantasy Reihen die es gibt 😍
This morning I finished reading The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England by Brandon Sanderson. It’s a cute science fiction tale of a man who wakes up in said location with no memory and just a handful of pages from said book. Reminds me of the author’s Alcatraz books, but more mature in style. Amazingly illustrated throughout.
#amreading #thefrugalwizardshandbookforsurvivingmedievalengland #BrandonSanderson #secretproject2
Ahhhhh, it's been so long since I read a novel. I forget how much I love them. So time consuming but so rewarding. Reread Way of Kings and finished Words of Radiance by Sanderson. I love love love his magic systems. So orderly, so put together. Time to buy and read the next in line! #StormlightArchive #BrandonSanderson
#BrandonSanderson #stormlightarchive
I guess if I'm gonna be in a DMV line for hours, then I've got time to reread Way of Kings, right? #BrandonSanderson
Last night I finished reading Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson. It’s amazing, and I had to ration myself to three chapters a day to stop myself from racing through it. Which worked until the end anyway. It’s just a fun adventure with interesting characters and a great story.
#secretprojects #cosmere #tressoftheemeraldsea #BrandonSanderson #amreading
I think I'd actually pay for anime/shows/movies if I could buy them digitally then download the files. No DRM or a proprietary app. Just an MKV file
That's one of the reasons I'm fine buying eBooks. Even on Kindle, you can just download the ebooks and easily crack the DRM (or you're cool like #BrandonSanderson and your ebooks are DRM free)
HERE WE GOOOOOOOOO! #cosmere #StormlightArchive #BrandonSanderson #TheWayOfKings
#thewayofkings #BrandonSanderson #stormlightarchive #cosmere
@annaleen had a good thread about the Wired article on Brandon Sanderson. Now he's posted a reply on reddit. It really focuses in on the things I found frustrating about the Wired piece. Also, it seems that he's a genuinely good dude. He spends a good part of his response defending the Wired article author. And he thoughtfully quotes Pratchett, which is almost never a bad thing.
#Wired #BrandonSanderson #Pratchett #GenreFiciton #Fantasy #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #Fantasy #genreficiton #pratchett #BrandonSanderson #wired
Rather than giving a boost to an article that is mean spirited, unprofessional, and bullying; I’ll boost Brandon Sanderson’s response, which is the complete opposite.
#BrandonSanderson #stormlightarchive
#stormlightarchive #BrandonSanderson
So Lift…not sure how I feel about this character. I see the potential. But I’m not seeing the awesomeness (hearing that took me right out of the story). However I’ll trust Brandon Sanderson and see where he takes this story.
#stormlightarchive #BrandonSanderson
#BrandonSanderson #stormlightarchive
So Lift…not sure how I feel about this character. I see the potential. But I’m not seeing the awesomeness (hearing that took my right out). However I’ll trust Brandon Sanderson and see where he takes this story.
#stormlightarchive #BrandonSanderson
#BrandonSanderson #stormlightarchive
Shallan and Kabsal
Shallan and Kaladin
Shallan and Adolin
#stormlightarchive #brandonsanderson #gilmoregirls
#gilmoregirls #BrandonSanderson #stormlightarchive
Shallan is having quite a time in The Words of Radiance (up to thru parts 1 & 2)
I used to find her somewhat annoying and even boring, but toward the end of WoK and now in WoR, she’s been great.
#StormlightArchive #BrandonSanderson
#BrandonSanderson #stormlightarchive
Finished Warbreaker. Absolutely loved it! Now reading some of the Arcanum Unbounded stories before diving into Mistborn Era 2. #Cosmere #BrandonSanderson
Finished reading Evershore, by Brandon Sanderson & Janci Patterson the other night. Took a little while to get into it, but then raced through the ending. The mini-trilogy of novellas in this series really help with the worldbuilding and I imagine set up a bunch for the finale to come.
#cytoverse #evershore #jancipatterson #BrandonSanderson #amreading
It's HERE! #TressOfTheEmeraldSea #Cosmere #BrandonSanderson
#BrandonSanderson #cosmere #tressoftheemeraldsea
Brandon Sanderson Withholds Five Books From Amazon Over Gouging Indie Authors
#BrandonSanderson #audible #Amazon