Wie skandalös die globale #Armut kleingerechnet wird – Ep. 189
Wolfgang und Ole zerlegen mal den Mythos: "#Kapitalismus hat ganz viele Menschen aus der Armut geholt."
#Klassismus #IchBinArmutsbetroffen #Neoliberalismus #Propaganda #Medien #Wirtschaft #Klimakrise #Corona #Covid19 #Ökonomie #BrankoMilanović #AndySumner #EduardoOrtizJuarez
#eduardoortizjuarez #andysumner #BrankoMilanovic #okonomie #COVID19 #corona #klimakrise #wirtschaft #medien #propaganda #neoliberalismus #IchBinArmutsbetroffen #klassismus #kapitalismus #armut
On egalitarianism without welfarism. #BrankoMilanovic https://branko2f7.substack.com/p/in-defense-of-equality-without-welfare
"The conventional ugliness of communist constructions was not a defect. It was something that was desired. It was an alternative aesthetic where nothing would ever stand out. The grey leaders were beautiful—on their own terms." #BrankoMilanovic https://branko2f7.substack.com/p/on-charisma-and-greyness-under-communism
"When we compare capital in France and Cameroon, we are not just comparing how many tools exist in France and in Cameroon: we are really comparing how many tools are put to work to generate profit for their owners. There is, in conclusion, no capital as such, outside of the concrete reality and existing relations of production." #capital #ownerworker #variablecapital #economics #KarlMarx #BrankoMilanovic
#BrankoMilanovic #karlmarx #economics #variablecapital #ownerworker #capital
How I Lost my Past
... History is written, we are told, by the victors and stories that do not fit the pattern narrative are rejected. This is especially the case, I have come to believe, in the United States that has created during the Cold War a formidable machinery of open and concealed propaganda. That machinery cannot be easily turned off....
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29680492
#BrankoMilanovic #SovietBloc #coldwar #RewritingHistory