The Metal Dog ✅🤘 · @TheMetalDog
398 followers · 1989 posts · Server

Steve Vai Opens Up on Financial Issues in Post-Pandemic Music Industry: 'You're Lucky if You Break Even'
'I have a lot of friends that are canceling - big bands - because they just can't get the numbers to balance.'

#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #stevevai #financialissues #postpandemicmusicindustry #Breakeven #musicindustry #guitarnews

Last updated 2 years ago

· @RaimoKangasniemi
92 followers · 24894 posts · Server


OK, so why is the NIF news a big deal?
Everyone knew breakeven fusion was possible, in principle. The challenge was working hard enough (and investing enough) to make it happen. Well, that moment is NOW. 5/n


#Breakeven #fusion

Last updated 2 years ago

Corey S Powell · @coreyspowell
3121 followers · 281 posts · Server

OK, so why is the NIF news a big deal?
Everyone knew breakeven fusion was possible, in principle. The challenge was working hard enough (and investing enough) to make it happen. Well, that moment is NOW. 5/n

#Breakeven #fusion

Last updated 2 years ago