In @DarrenAronofsky@twitter|s THE WHALE zeigt #BrendanFraser in der Rolle eines zurückgezogenen, krankhaft übergewichtigen Literaturdozenten die beste Darbietung seiner Karriere. Aber auch der Film selbst ist entblätternd. Unsere Kritik: @PLAION_PICTURES@twitter
Seit Kurzem von @PLAION_PICTURES@twitter digital, auf DVD, Blu-ray & im 4K Ultra-HD Mediabook erhältlich: @DarrenAronofsky@twitter|s THE WHALE. Nicht nur #BrendanFraser|s oscarprämierte Darbietung ist hier sehenswert. Ein starker, wenn auch schwieriger Film. Zur #Review:
Neue Kritiken sind eingetroffen zum #Kino-Start der Comic-Verfilmung von #BlueBeetle und dem Oscar-prämierten Drama THE WHALE mit #BrendanFraser von @DarrenAronofsky@twitter: @DCOfficial@twitter @warnerbrosde@twitter @PLAION_PICTURES@twitter
#BrendanFraser #bluebeetle #kino
Wirklich der große emotionale Film oder nur ein übergewichtiges Kammerspiel? Unser erster Eindruck direkt nach dem Kino von #TheWhale - 11 Minuten und spoilerfrei:
Neue Folge Episode 1207
#BrendanFraser #Fettsucht #Filmpodcast #Film #Filmfan #Filmastodon #Movies #Cinema #Cinemastodon #Podcast
#Podcast #cinemastodon #cinema #Movies #filmastodon #filmfan #Film #filmpodcast #Fettsucht #BrendanFraser #TheWhale
🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Wikipedia anglophone ?
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
2. Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
3. ChatGPT #Chatgpt
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #BrendanFraser #chatgpt
Bruno Munier
Belfort, France
Brendan Fraser wins the best actor Oscar for The Whale at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles.
#BrendanFraser #Oscars2023 #Celebrity #movies #cartoons #caricature #portrait
#BrendanFraser #Oscars2023 #celebrity #movies #cartoons #caricature #portrait
🇪🇸 Wikipedia hispanophone :
1.Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
2.Everything Everywhere All at Once #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
3.La ballena (película de 2022) #LaBallena(PelículaDe2022)
#BrendanFraser #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #laballena
🇮🇹 Wikipédia italien:
1. Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
2. Everything Everywhere All at Once #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
3. Erling Haaland #ErlingHaaland
#BrendanFraser #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #erlinghaaland
🇩🇪 Wikipedia Outre-Rhin ?
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
2. Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
3. Im Westen nichts Neues (2022) #ImWestenNichtsNeues(2022)
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #BrendanFraser #ImWestennichtsNeues
🇫🇷 Quelles ont été les pages les plus vues hier sur Wikipédia ?
1. Michelle Yeoh #MichelleYeoh
2. Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
3. Erling Haaland #ErlingHaaland
#michelleyeoh #BrendanFraser #erlinghaaland #wikipediacuriosite
So after the Oscars, I made a point to watch Elvis and…woah Austin Butlers was so good—did Brendan Fraser in Whale really do better than him? I mean I like him as an actor but not sure if it was really a competition to what I just watched. I haven’t read anything positive about Whale so I will leave it up to people to tell me. #elvis #oscars #austinbutler #brendanfraser
#elvis #oscars #austinbutler #BrendanFraser
My review of the movie The Mummy – Brendan Fraser Battles CGI Un-Dead #ActionMovie #Actionmoviereview #BrendanFraser #moviereview #MovieReviews #Mummy #RachelWeisz
#actionmovie #actionmoviereview #BrendanFraser #moviereview #moviereviews #Mummy #rachelweisz
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Michelle Yeoh #MichelleYeoh
2. Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
3. Tom Egbers #TomEgbers
#michelleyeoh #BrendanFraser #tomegbers
🇵🇹 🇧🇷 Wikipédia en portugais:
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
2. Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
3. Oscar 2023 #Oscar2023
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #BrendanFraser #oscar2023
🇪🇸 Wikipedia hispanophone :
1.Everything Everywhere All at Once #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
2.Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
3.Jamie Lee Curtis #JamieLeeCurtis
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #BrendanFraser #jamieleecurtis
🇮🇹 Wikipédia italien:
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
2. Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
3. Premi Oscar 2023 #PremiOscar2023
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #BrendanFraser #premioscar2023
🇫🇷 Quelles ont été les pages les plus vues hier sur Wikipédia ?
1. Michelle Yeoh #MichelleYeoh
2. Brendan Fraser #BrendanFraser
3. Everything Everywhere All at Once #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
#michelleyeoh #BrendanFraser #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #wikipediacuriosite
I do not really care about the Oscars, but I have to admit that I really like that Brendan Fraser won for Best Actor. After everything he's gone through getting the highest recognition just seems deserved. Although if you ask me, he should have won it for the brilliance that is "The Mummy."
#Oscars #BrendanFraser #bestactor #themummy
So #A24 did exactly what they were supposed to and put everything on a bagel
✨🥯 🎬🐳🎉♥️♥️♥️✨
#eeaao #TheWhale #MichelleYeoh #BrendanFraser #kehuyquan #a24 #aaa24
#aaa24 #kehuyquan #BrendanFraser #MichelleYeoh #TheWhale #eeaao #a24
Brendan Fraser ce l’ha fatta!
#film assolutamente toccante, emozionante, senza parole..
stupendo.. sono uscito dal cinema che non avevo più lacrime..
#oscar #brendanfraser #thewhale #movie
#film #oscar #BrendanFraser #thewhale #movie