Revisiting the Buffalo Sabres’ 2018-19 Prospect Pool
Five years ago, the Sabres were still in the early stages of a rebuild. The team had drafted Jack Eichel a few years prior, but the product on the ice wasn’t getting better. The prospect pool gave the organization hope to turn things aro...
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#SabresProspects #AlexNylander #BrendanGuhle #CaseyMittelstadt #RasmusDahlin
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#SabresProspects #alexnylander #BrendanGuhle #caseymittelstadt #RasmusDahlin #nhl #hockey
Ducks News & Rumors: McTavish, Del Zotto & More
With Christmas just around the corner, the Anaheim Ducks might not be expecting too many gifts ahead of the holiday season. In fact, their most anticipated gift might have to wait until next summer, when the NHL Draft Lotter...
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#AnaheimDucks #Column #NewsandRumors #BrendanGuhle #JustinKirkland #MasonMcTavish #MichaelDelZotto
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#newsandrumors #MichaelDelZotto #JustinKirkland #masonmctavish #nhl #anaheimducks #BrendanGuhle #hockey #column