The University of Western Brittany will hold its annual Summer School in Breton Language and Heritage Studies from 19-30 June 2023 in Quimper.
Language classes are taught through the medium of English, and no prior knowledge of Breton is required for the level 1 class.
For more information, including how to register, please reach out to Myrzinn Boucher-Durand at
Research opportunity for younger scholars interested in contacts between Brittany and Wales: Bursary available to examine archives in Brittany for items related to Wales as part of a project of the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales.
Knowledge of Welsh required, as is knowledge of either French or Breton. Application deadline: 28 February 2023. Full details in link (PDF document in Welsh).
#cymraeg #Bursary #Brezhoneg #Wales #brittany
@histodons @medievodons @archaeodons @folklore
Here is a virtual poster announcing the CSANA conference. Please share widely.
Again the submission deadline for abstracts is this Friday, 6 January.
#CFP #CelticStudies #Cymraeg #Gaelige #Ghàidhlig #Brezhoneg #Brittany #Ireland #Scotland #Wales
#cfp #celticstudies #cymraeg #gaelige #ghaidhlig #Brezhoneg #brittany #ireland #scotland #Wales
@histodons @medievodons @archaeodons
CFP: Celtic Studies Association of North America annual meeting, to be held virtually 16-19 March 2023. Papers in all areas of Celtic studies are welcome, including linguistics, history, archaeology, folklore, diaspora studies, and medieval and modern literature.
Send abstracts of ca 300 words to Joseph F. Eska at with
'SURNAME + CSANA Abstract' in the subject line by Friday 6 January.
#celticstudies #cymraeg #gaeilge #Brezhoneg
RT @Gasteiztar1: Pasa den ostiralean abiatu zen @Redadeg, bretoieraren aldeko lasterketa. 2022 km egin ostean larunbatean iritsiko da Vannes-era.
Gora hizkuntza gutxituak!!
Gouelioù mat, Breizh!! 💪💪✊
#Redaleg #Breizh #Brezhoneg