How is this not illegal? You prevent my equipment that was working perfectly fine from working and demand money from me for a new one? Isn't that extortion? #Hive #BritishGas
This has been going on for some time. Twenty years ago, #BritishGas could afford to ring me at home, at work, even on holiday, and they could send bailiffs to my house, but they couldn't send a meter reader to discover that they'd made a mistake and I didn't owe them any money.
Normal Island News
#BritishGas thrilled to announce they have made a killing
In this case, it was quite literally!
British Gas has reported an 889% increase in #profits in the first half of the year, racking up a sensational £969 million! In contrast, British Gas only made £98 million at this point last year. British Gas owner, #Centrica saw profits rise by a whopping 1,900% to £1.4 billion and Shell made £3.9 billion in just three months.
#normalislandnews #Centrica #profits #BritishGas
I was watching TV a few days ago and saw an advert asking for donations to feed starving children. Seems unimaginable but these starving children live in the UK. In #ToryBritain after #Brexit.
Fast forward a few days and #BritishGas announces profits of £969m, and that's just for six months! An almost 900% increase while children in the UK are starving. Aided and abetted by the most right wing Tory government that's ever been in power, and that includes the Thatcher years. A party for the rich.
#BritishGas #brexit #torybritain
I'm old enough to remember when #BritishGas was state-owned. Now it's taking billions from the people who used to own it. If you're a #Tory, that's called progress.
Petition To Stop Ofgems plan to INCREASE energy supplier profits from Oct 2023 - we plan to fight it @grantshapps @ofgem #AdjustPriceCap #Ofgem #energycrisis - Sign the Petition! via @UKChange
#petition #ofgem #britishgas
#adjustpricecap #ofgem #energycrisis #petition #BritishGas
A local brewery operating for the last sixteen years in the #Portsmouth area, making some of the best beers in the region, announced that it simply couldn't continue to even break even with the costs of business rents and huge energy price rises, and would be closing down in a few weeks.
But at least the energy company shareholders will get a nice pay-out.
#BritishGas profits soar by staggering 889% to record £969m as households struggle with huge bills
Can you believe my energy company says they owe me (yes I'm credit) nearly £6,000 and yet they refuse to offer a refund. British Gas if you want to know. They recently announced £3.3 bn record profits. They use customers credits as an interest free loan to fund working capital. What a shameless bunch of people. #BritishGas #RippingOffThePublic #ProfiteeringFomrCrises
#profiteeringfomrcrises #rippingoffthepublic #BritishGas
"Octopus and British Gas customers paid £7m for avoiding peak-time energy use"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Energy #BritishGas #Octopus #OctopusEnergy
#OctopusEnergy #octopus #BritishGas #Energy #unitedkingdom #UK
RT @Chrisss0101u
#BritishGas fucked up my bill, hit me with three years all at once and have forced me onto a payment plan which I can’t afford I’m disabled, I’m housebound and I can’t afford to eat or to heat my home. If anyone can help I’d be grateful.
Just uploaded winter fuel meter readings for #BritishGas "so we can bill you correctly". You'd be correct in thinking this will also require smelling salts to see the new bill 💰
#Fuel #CostOfLiving #Gas #Electricity
#electricity #gas #costofliving #fuel #BritishGas
RT @Cartoon4sale
Dave Brown on #BritishGas #Centrica #£3.3bnProfit #ObsceneProfit #GasPrices #EnergyPrices #WinterOfDiscontent #CostOfLivingCrisis #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #Putin #RussiaUkraineWar - political cartoon gallery in London
#BritishGas #centrica #obsceneprofit #gasprices #energyprices #WinterOfDiscontent #Costoflivingcrisis #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #putin #russiaukrainewar
I've just signed the petition calling on @centricaplc boss Chris O'Shea to donate his £1.6M bonus to an energy hardship fund. People are struggling while British Gas and others make billions! Please can you sign and RT too: via @38degrees
#UK #petition #costoflivng #BritishGas
#uk #petition #costoflivng #BritishGas
Centrica profit triples to 3.3 billion, a record high because of soaring energy prices, “paving the way for a 300 million pound share buy-back, sending the company's shares to their highest level in almost four years”. Meanwhile, these companies and their governments say there’s not enough money to invest in green transition.
#profiteering #BritishGas #Centrica #nationalise
I'm with #BritishGas #Centrica and seeing the profits they made off us is disgusting. I live in a small flat with my youngest son and our gas was £23 a month last year and its already gone up to £128 a month. They are profiting off people who are already struggling financially! 128 probably doesn't seem like much but I'm a single parent and disabled so every penny counts. If it goes up again I won't be able to pay for it. Yet they're making billions! 🤬
#costofliving #Centrica #BritishGas
Top FT headline this morning: Centrica, which owns British Gas, has made record profits of £3.3bn. A surplus will go towards shareholders & share buybacks.
British Gas was recently found to have been breaking into working class homes in order to illegally install pre-payment meters, which charge disproportionately high rates to customers.
British Gas was a publicly owned utility until 1986. Share buybacks were illegal until 1981.
#BritishGas #privatisedbritain #energybills
British Gas owner Centrica has posted huge profits after energy prices soared last year.
Centrica's full-year profits hit £3.3bn for 2022, more than triple the £948m it made the year before.
The figures come after British Gas was criticised over its use of debt agents to force-fit prepayment meters in the homes of vulnerable customers.
(Now watch for the shareholder buybacks)
#ClimateCrisis #Energy #windfalltax #Centrica #BritishGas
Make that 4 calls (& counting) to sort things out with #BritishGas
Guess what we received from them this morning?:*
Another letter addressed to 'unknown at this address' person, their first bill, apparently.
So, had to phone them up yet again! Our account is now open again, 'unknown' account has now been flagged & we should no longer get any post for 'them'.
Here's wondering if this is now finally all sorted, or whether we'll have anything further from our ever so efficient Gas Supplier‽;*