#Auspol #Batteries #BritishVolt
#DavidACollard’s Geelong company, Scale Facilitation, raided by the AFP, the ATO, and officers from the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce, over an “alleged taxation fraud” at [subsidiary] SaniteX.
“Marles’ electorate covers Avalon where Recharge Industries, a Scale subsidiary, is promising to build a battery ‘gigafactory’. So, why wouldn’t he and the Opposition leader give the Geelong-educated Collard, once the youngest partner at PwC partner, a morale boost, especially one with green-tinged ambitions across Australia, the UK and the US?
“But how could a small company established in 2019 with little track record, apart from flogging facemasks during the pandemic (how hard would that be?), afford to lease the entire floor of One World Trade Center, built on the site of the Twin Towers, and pay for Dutton to visit its glitzy Big Apple HQ?”
Also, he expects the Australian government will repay him for his investments. #Dodgy
From: @MichaelWestMedia
#auspol #batteries #Britishvolt #davidacollard #dodgy
If you're waiting for the #BritishVolt factory to be built in Northumberland, backed by £100m of #UKTaxpayers' money....I wouldn't hold your breath.
Did UK government do the full #DueDiligence dance before agreeing to that subsidy, I wonder?
#duediligence #uktaxpayers #Britishvolt
‘800,000 car industry jobs at risk’ unless UK renegotiates #Brexit deal
All down to the #Conservative government. First for Johnson’s reckless #ToryBrexit and second because a personal feud between Johnson and Sunsk is what sunk #BritishVolt
#Britishvolt #torybrexit #conservative #brexit
#BritishVolt collapsed due to Sunak/ Johnson rivalry https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/business-economics/britishvolt-collapsed-due-to-sunak-johnson-rivalry-348711/
Australian startup Recharge wins bid for collapsed UK battery company #Britishvolt
#takingbackcontrol #Britishvolt
@mwarhurst And British battery production is going well, isn't it? #Britishvolt
#Britishvolt ‘collapsed owing £120m’ as UK car industry reports dismal year https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jan/26/britishvolt-collapsed-owing-120m-as-uk-car-industry-reports-dismal-year
"#BritishVolt is a monument to global Britain's empty hype"
#Britishvolt #brexitreality #r4today
#Britishvolt closure a ‘monument to global Britain’s empty hype’ https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/business-economics/britishvolt-closure-a-monument-to-global-britains-empty-hype-342330/
"Auto manufacturing shows more than most industries how #Brexit is a fantasy of independence in an interdependent world. Hype can only carry you so far. Sooner or later, reality hits." #BritishVolt
Imagine if the UK government had invested £100 million in British Volt in order to show commitment to the future of the UK automotive industry ...
... rather than sinking the money into an inland border white elephant in Kent that nobody wants or needs
OTOH, I bet a few #Tory donor firms made a bit of dosh on the Kent project
#tory #gtto #Britishvolt #brexit
@mwarhurst what's hilarious is that government had an industrial policy that enabled #britishvolt but unfortunately it was the same policy as the one that made #Delorean happen forty years ago.
Graeme Bandeira on #RishiSunak #BritishVolt #BorisJohnson – political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com
#rishisunak #Britishvolt #BorisJohnson
“William Hague, former Conservative leader who […] backed Remain in the 2016 referendum, blamed this week’s collapse of UK battery maker #Britishvolt on #Brexit. […] ‘It’s a sad reflection probably on Brexit . . . If you are going to succeed with batteries, you need big manufacturers to be in the same market using those batteries. So, that’s part of the damage that has been done by leaving the EU.’” #BrexitChaos
#Britishvolt #brexit #brexitchaos
RT @pipp100@twitter.com
Former Tory Leader's Honesty About Brexit Harming Brexit. British Volt. Unfortunately it doesn't last for long
Maximilien Robespierre
#BritishVolt #ToryLeader #Brexit
#brexit #toryleader #Britishvolt
Former Tory Leader's Honesty About Brexit Harming Brexit. British Volt. Unfortunately it doesn't last for long
Maximilien Robespierre
#BritishVolt #ToryLeader #Brexit
#brexit #toryleader #Britishvolt
Today in "No Shit, Sherlock" news: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-britishvolt-electric-car-collapse-b2264598.html #brexit #BrexitDisaster #Britishvolt
#brexit #BrexitDisaster #Britishvolt
RT @NotaTory67@twitter.com
They said that we were leaders in this field. And that the battery plant was supposed to secure the future of UK car manufacturing. And that being outside the single market wouldn’t have any effect on foreign investment. And yet… #Britishvolt
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NotaTory67/status/1615411680736907281
Britishvolt was meant to be the UK’s answer to Tesla. By 2024, it was supposed to be producing hundreds of thousands of lithium-ion batteries a year for the automotive sector.
It amassed nearly $2.5 billion in funding promises, including £100 million from UK government, and preliminary deals to supply batteries to Aston Martin and Lotus.
But nine months after it broke ground on its “gigafactory”, Britishvolt entered administration.
#gigafactory #ev #Britishvolt #UK
RT @BrexitFails@twitter.com
You've got to love all these images of BritishVolt.
You do realise it's just a field of grass don't you ?
There's no building, nothing.
Just like all the other Brexit promises.
#brexit #brexitreality #britishvolt
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrexitFails/status/1615635863316353025
#brexit #brexitreality #Britishvolt