“Eastern Missouri Public Safety” feed on #Broadcastify ~ law enforcement is dealing with an #ActiveShooter situation.
It’s a very busy day on the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police channel on #Broadcastify. #ScannerTraffic #Scanner #ScannerRadio ~ https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/32602
#Broadcastify #scannertraffic #scanner #scannerradio
The "Tiffin repeater" is Bascom, OH, Seneca County, #KB8EOC . 145.15- with a 107.2 PL
Listening now on #Broadcastify
Bob #WD8PIC is about half way between this repeater and Ann Arbor's #N8DUY and he can check in to both depending on how he sets PL.
fun with #vhfdx
#vhfdx #N8DUY #wd8pic #Broadcastify #KB8EOC
Central Indiana #Skywarn Repeater Net #W9ICE 146.9700 MHz
feed via #Broadcastify at https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/6063
at 1130p Eastern / 1030p Central, 750+ people listening.
#inwx #Broadcastify #w9ice #Skywarn
More #broadcastify fun with the local Public Safety team.
School bus driver Peter calls in with "oil pressure guage at zero and blinking red light on dash. Did not see any oil leaks this morning when I did my check."
The dispatcher advised him to continue driving and check for leaks at the next stop.
Dispatch did not advise him to check the dipstick to see if there is actually oil in the engine.
If the oil has already leaked out, of course you won't see a leak any more.
Now waiting for the "bus stranded on the side of the road" message.
If you’re interested in listening to the trivia questions on LMARC’s Sunday Night Net (getting ready to start shortly) but not a ham or not near your radio? You can listen to live streaming audio here on #Broadcastify ~ https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/33021
If you’re interested in listening to the trivia questions on LMARC’s Sunday Night Net (getting teady to start shortly) but not near your radio? You can listen to live streaming audio here on #Broadcastify: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/33021
On the Air Now! - Everyone can listen to the DARC (Dallas Amateur Radio Club) Hamfixin’s Net - Hams who cook and share recipes - in Dallas, TX on 146.880MHz PL 110.9 / Echolink W5FC-R. This net meets the 1st & 3rd Mondays at 1900CST / 2000EST / 0100UTC. Everyone - ham or not can listen in on their Broadcastify link here:
https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/29333 #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets #EcholinkNets #Broadcastify
#Broadcastify #echolinknets #amateurradionets #hamradionets
At some point after I've cleaned up the cabling and put the antenna in a permanent location I'll do a write-up on my #Broadcastify feed setup. It's a mixture of physical scanners and SDRs running into multiple servers and off into the world
Eventually I'll build something a bit more robust that can handle all the feeds on one server instead of the mishmash of low power NUC boxes I'm using but that's in the future
Two new #MetroBoston / #Boston / #Cambridge area #Broadcastify feeds are up!
MIT Police and EMS: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/39524
MetroFire Mutual Aid: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/39519
MIT Police and EMS is what it says on the tin: MIT Police and EMS dispatch. They're both pretty quiet, only ~400 transmissions since last night and EMS is much more quiet than PD and hasn't been heard for while
MetroFire Mutual Aid has the four non fireground channels on the Cambridge CoMIRS site: Central, North, Red and White. This one is going to be pretty quiet outside of roll calls unless there is need for Mutual Aid. This feed does not include MetroFire Admin.
Unlikely you're going to hear fireground operations as mutual aid companies often operate on the frequency of the town/city they're responding to or one of the simplex VHF/UHF frequencies.
#metroboston #boston #cambridge #Broadcastify
I stepped up for a #Broadcastify subscription ($30/yr) because it has an audio recording of each of the 7000+ scanners that it logs, going back a year.
Now I need to step up my sound file handling tools. I'd welcome any suggestions for anything (for MacOS) that can help reprocess these sound files.
I have #Audacity
(which looks helpful). Some desires:
- identify and decode repeater Morse tones
- eliminate "silence", but the sound might have an audible hum
- decode PL tones
Ideas? tnx!
The #N8DUY feed on #Broadcastify is here for reference
(I should really just subscribe so I can grab archives)
Still liking my (new to me) 1994 vintage #Kenwood #TH22AT as a 2 meter bicycle mobile radio. Still sorting out VHF multipath tho in downtown Ann Arbor, not really sure what people were hearing.
The #N8DUY repeater is tracked on #Broadcastify - this might get me to subscribe there to listen to the recordings.
Next experiment: #PSOTA ("Parking Structures On The Air"). An All Hands Active outing to the top of the Liberty St structure a few years back was a success in hitting far-away repeaters.
#psota #Broadcastify #N8DUY #th22at #kenwood
Well don't think I'm doing the server migration for my #Broadcastify feeds tonight.
Going to have to wait until there are less people listening which means probably going to have to push it to next week.
During #Hurricane Ian ~ the #Florida statewide connected repeater system - SARNET - was a good source to get some info on what was happening in areas the news crews weren’t yet able to get into. Maybe this feed will also be useful during #HurricaneNicole Here is a link to streaming audio: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/35392 #Broadcastify
#Broadcastify #hurricanenicole #florida #hurricane