Interesting fact for #science #astronmy and #sciencefiction #writers and #authors. A Jupiter-class planet does not get proportionally wider with greater mass, it gets denser and maybe a little wider. Red dwarfs, which are what happens with a Jupiter-class planet gets massive enough the fuse deuterium, may actually be less wide than Jupiter. One such example is 61 J-mass but .89 J-radius!
You want to get this correct. I've read articles that conflate mass and radius, and that renders the article ridiculous. Here is a very interesting article on the subject here:
Why bring this up? A furnace-hot brown dwarf with an angry red glow is front and center (or in the middle of) one of my #sff stories. Would worlds orbiting it be planets or moons?
#nonfiction #fiction #writing #writer #writingcommunity #exoplanets #BrownDwarfs
#science #astronmy #sciencefiction #writers #authors #sff #nonfiction #fiction #writing #writer #writingcommunity #exoplanets #BrownDwarfs
#astronomy #planets #exoplanets #BrownDwarfs An article published in "The Astrophysical Journal" reports the discovery of an object orbiting BD+60 1417, a young star a little smaller than the Sun, which could be a gas giant planet but also a small brown dwarf.
#planets #astronomy #exoplanets #BrownDwarfs
#astronomy #BrownDwarfs #TheAccident An article published in "The Astrophysical Journal Letters" reports a study on the brown dwarf classified as WISEA J153429.75-104303.3, or simply WISE 1534–1043, nicknamed the Accident because it was discovered purely by chance.
#astronomy #BrownDwarfs #TheAccident
#astronomy #BrownDwarfs #stars An article published in the journal "Astronomy & Astrophysics" reports a study on 5 objects on the boundary between brown dwarf and star discovered thanks to NASA's TESS space telescope.
#stars #astronomy #BrownDwarfs
So cool. These brown dwarfs are spinning so fast, gravity at their equator feels almost like on Earth, while at the poles it's over 100g!
Hal Clement would have loved this [ ].