In this early spring weather we're having at the moment, the Variegated Fairywrens and Brown Thornbills are becoming quite a regular occurrence around my yard.
Shown here, we have both the female and male #VariegatedFairywren and a #BrownThornbill up close (so close I had to take a step back to get it in focus).
#VariegatedFairywren #BrownThornbill #bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz
More birds from the walk.
A decidedly unhelpful female #SatinBowerbird obscured by foliage and branches; another #BrownThornbill this time in a Casuarina tree; a #NoisyFriarbird far off in a gum tree an another #YellowFacedHoneyeater this time on a rock above a small pool, about to have a drink.
#SatinBowerbird #BrownThornbill #noisyfriarbird #yellowfacedhoneyeater #bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz
I went for a walk down the road this morning, and ended up walking about a km down to a local park, and a km back along the creek.
Not a lot of "wow factor" photos, but quite a good selection of birds (some saw me before I saw them, and decided not to have their photo taken)
Here we have a #BrownThornbill
and a #GreyShrikeThrush
#BrownThornbill #easternyellowrobin #yellowfacedhoneyeater #GreyShrikeThrush #bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz
Also on the driveway were a pair of Variegated Fairywrens, the female of which had caught a moth for lunch.
Later, in the backyard, there was a curious White-browed Scrubwren, and a tiny Brown Thornbill.
#Bird #AustralianWildlife #WildOz #BrownThornbill #VariegatedFairywren #WhiteBrowedFinch
#bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #BrownThornbill #VariegatedFairywren #whitebrowedfinch
And yes, there were more birds!
An #OliveBackedOriole , some #StriatedPardalote 's, a #WillyWagtail and #BrownThornbill
#OliveBackedOriole #StriatedPardalote #WillyWagtail #BrownThornbill #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #bird
Plenty of birds out at lunchtime, but most (except for the thornbill) were quite a long way off, or very obscured by branches.
So today we have an upside down Rufous Shrike-Thrush, a Crimson Rosella, and a Brown Thornbill.
#AustralianWildlife #Bird #WildOz #RufousShrikeThrush #CrimsonRosella #BrownThornbill
#AustralianWildlife #bird #wildoz #rufousshrikethrush #CrimsonRosella #BrownThornbill
Went for a wander and found a Grey Shrike-thrush having a feed on some caterpillar-like grubs, and later I saw a Brown Thornbill.
#bird #WildOz #AustralianWildlife #GreyShrikeThrush #BrownThornbill
#bird #wildoz #AustralianWildlife #GreyShrikeThrush #BrownThornbill
A little Brown Thornbill, singing away in my backyard this afternoon.
#bird #AustralianWildlife #BrownThornbill
Today's fauna story... A tiny (approx 90mm long) brown thornbill just hit our window and fell on the deck, flat on its back, breathing rapidly. I turned him onto his side, and as I moved in for a pic, it leapt to its feet. It's still pretty shaken up, so I left it some water. Hopefully it will be ok. ๐ค
#bushlife #BrownThornbill #bluemountains #australia #birds
A Brown Thornbill (one of many in the tree next to my house) this morning.
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #BrownThornbill #AcanthizaPusilla
#AcanthizaPusilla #BrownThornbill #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
Why hello! Little Brown Thornbill.
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #BrownThornbill #singing
#singing #BrownThornbill #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
Some critters photographed from the veranda this afternoon. The White-browed Scrubwren could be sharper, but it was in the shade and didn't sit still. The Brown Thornbill prefered a little leaf cover, but at least sang at me. And there's a blue dragonfly of some sort which obligingly stayed still while I manually focussed.
#AustralianWildlife #bird #photo #nature #BrownThornbill #WhiteBrowedScrubwren
#WhiteBrowedScrubWren #BrownThornbill #nature #photo #bird #AustralianWildlife
A tiny Brown Thornbill, spotted just now from the veranda.
While other birds rest in the shade or feed quietly in the middle of the day, the thornbills are active hunting bugs.
#AustralianWildlife #BrownThornbill #photo #nature #bird