Accompanying the ⚽️ match #Australia v. #France 😉
#Bruce 🇦🇺 🇫🇷
Que les meilleures gagnent. 🙏🤞
#Monty #Python - Australian Bruces
#Python #monty #Bruce #France #Australia
RT @annabosch: Tengo que deciros que en el Iryo de las 11:25h abundamos los boomers de uniforme concierto #Bruce.
Nos miramos y nos reconocemos como los moteros.
#Bruce #SpringsteenBarcelona #SpringsteenBCN
#Barcelona #Bruce #Catalonia #NoSurrender
RT @xcervantes1: Bruce Springsteen
Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys
Bercelona, 28 d’abril del 2023
#Barcelona #Bruce #catalonia #NoSurrender
#RIP #BarryHumphries (aka #DameEdna) (1934–2023)
Mostly a #TV celebrity, Humphries (at times billed as DAME EDNA EVERAGE) was seen in several #movies, going all the way back to #StanleyDonen's BEDAZZLED (1967), in which he plays one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust.
Other notable #films include: NICHOLAS NICKLEBY (2002) and #AbsolutelyFabulous: The #Movie (2016).
He also provided the voice of #Bruce the #Shark in #Pixar's FINDING NEMO.
#drag #actors #cinema #Film #television #pixar #shark #Bruce #movie #absolutelyfabulous #films #stanleydonen #Movies #TV #dameedna #barryhumphries #RIP
New Jersey will on 23 September celebrate Bruce Springsteen Day for the first time, a move announced by the governor, Phil Murphy Murphy said - “Truth be told, I know my place in the hierarchy of New Jersey. After all, I may be the 56th individual to be called ‘governor’, but there will ever only be just one Boss.” #music #Bruce #Boss #NewJersey
#music #Bruce #boss #newjersey
New on Two Minutes Fifty-Nine — Episode 14: Selling Out? Bruce has been accused of it. The Clash were accused of it. But what does it mean. Plus a bonus shout-out to my pal Jesse W. Jackson of Set Lusting Bruce and the Mavericks #TheClash #TheOnlyBandThatMatters #Bruce #TheMavericks
#themavericks #Bruce #theonlybandthatmatters #theclash
@deutschewelle Da macht man nix dran und kein Geld der Welt hilft. Dennoch, ein Held meiner Jugend und Sympathieträger vieler vieler geiler Actionfilme bis heute. Ich glaube es gibt auch hier auf #Mastodon eine Menge Nutzer, die sich an Weihnachten traditionell #StirbLangsam reinziehen oder? #DieHard #Bruce #Willis
#mastodon #StirbLangsam #DieHard #Bruce #willis
OMG, Backstreets is ceasing publication in response to the high cost of Springsteen tickets. Christopher Phillips has been the publisher for a long time. I remember when the offices were in DC and my wife would do volunteer work, I would help out processing the occasional online survey. They are freezing the web site and will do one more print issue, possibly PDF only. #Bruce #Springsteen.
#horror #horrorfilm #evildead #evildeadrise #Deadites #bruce campbell
Bruce Campbell is my spirit animal.
My life has been shaped and is all the more complete thanks to the Evil Dead and TV series.
Anyway... a much anticipated new live action film in the series is coming out sooooon (contains child like squeals).
Doing my best to manage my expectations.
Of all the series Evil Dead 2 remains my favourite. Sill anything new being added to the cannon is gotta be worth the watch at least.
Let's hope they get this right and it retains the same sense of gory, goofy and wacky.
The 2013 "reboot" was.. OK. Just that. It had a few effective moments but it was missing Riami's love of comedy and it felt too much like generic mid 2000s horror.
Bruce shared an image from the upcoming film on the Birdsite.
Bruce, by all the Eldritch Gods pls come to Mastodon - it's lovely here. Is he here yet?
#horror #horrorfilm #evildead #evildeadrise #deadites #Bruce
Und den anderen für Roberto @TheMopsHops (leider auch noch nicht hier)
#Bruce Hornsby #HaborLights #ChinaDoll
#Bruce #HaborLights #ChinaDoll
Sad that great peace campaigner #Bruce Kent has died.Marched & spoke at rallies with him.A lovely human being.