ficforthought ❤💙 · @ficforthought
10 followers · 28 posts · Server

So, I've done a very on brand thing in my writing. I signed up for a one word fic prompt for next Feb because I got a bunny straight away on seeing a particular word. It started out innocent enough and I fully intended it to be gen and really cute, with Bruce's fond memories of Dick and Jason in their younger days, HOWEVER, my muse decided to mock me as she has a habit of doing, and now it's turned into smut. I tried, I really did. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Last updated 2 years ago

ficforthought ❤💙 · @ficforthought
10 followers · 22 posts · Server

users, I'm looking for servers, particularly , and . Gen is also fine as well as shippy. DM me info/invites, please, I need somewhere to flail seeing as my other social media TL is mostly .

(So many hashtags, but I keep seeing that's encouraged, here, so am trying to play by the Mastodon rules of engagement! 🤭)

#discord #batfam #jaydick #Brujay #brudick #spn

Last updated 2 years ago