Che cosa sogna un gatto di biblioteca #Armadiodellavergogna #Apologiadellastoria #CatherineSpaak #FrancoFrattini #AnatoleFrance #straginaziste #comfortwomen #JeanneMoreau #AltroQuando #lucabaiada #MarcBloch #Germania #Buñuel #maquis
#maquis #Buñuel #germania #marcbloch #lucabaiada #AltroQuando #jeannemoreau #comfortwomen #straginaziste #anatolefrance #FrancoFrattini #CatherineSpaak #Apologiadellastoria #armadiodellavergogna
I think the next #opera stream I'll try and watch is this recent adaptation of Luis #Buñuel's The Exterminating Angel, by Ades
"a group of elegant socialites gather for a lavish dinner party, but when it is time to leave for the night, no one is able to escape. Soon, their behavior becomes increasingly erratic and savage" - why does this stuff end up seeming so *timeless*? It should be a museum piece by now...