Jill Orme · @OrmeJks
979 followers · 770 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Jill Orme · @OrmeJks
973 followers · 747 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

A Bombus terrestris queen I found crawling on the ground in a park in Cardiff today. After warming her on my hand I put her inside a crocus flower, in the hope that a drink of nectar would help her get moving again.

#britishbees #BombusTerrestris #BuffTailedBumblebee #nature #wildlife #canonr5

Last updated 2 years ago

Jill Orme · @OrmeJks
972 followers · 737 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Janet Rosen :toad: · @jrosen707
351 followers · 2044 posts · Server toad.social

Just found this little girl wet on the lawn. Just the wrong time of the year. She should be tucked up in a nest hibernating. 🥲Popped her on a sheltered calendula out of the rain and fingers crossed she refuels and makes back to a nest. Think she is a Queen Buff Tail but the wings are quite smoky so maybe a cuckoo? I’m not good enough to be sure. .

#britishbumblebees #bumblebee #entomology #BuffTailedBumblebee #CuckooBumblebee

Last updated 2 years ago

Jill Orme · @OrmeJks
372 followers · 163 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Good deed for the day: this is a Bombus terrestris queen which I rescued, wet and cold, from the garden after heavy rain. I put her in a straw-lined box and let her dry out and warm up in the kitchen before taking her outside. This was the last image I captured as she was vibrating her wings to warm them, before lifting off and flying away.

#bee #bumblebee #BombusTerrestris #BuffTailedBumblebee #naturephotography #WildLifePhotography #macrophotography

Last updated 2 years ago