@harald There doesn't seem to be any content at that link...?
I did not use the #bugtracker, coz the #ArchInstall Dev & i were *briefly* chatting about it here in Masto, but sadly pretty soon they went quiet. I chose to drop the matter at that point.
That abortive piecemeal chat occurred back when i was still on the #Fosstodon #Instance, so unfortunately i've lost the original thread since moving Instances. That said, fyi, below is a purely text-based copy of the chat i kept externally. Fwiw.
Anton Hvornum
New version of #archinstall out: v2.5.3
== Highlights:
* Fixes the issue "Failed to read disk /dev/xxY with lsblk"
* `archinstall` properly waits for `archlinux-keyring` services before initiating
* Creates `/etc/vconsole.conf` upon running `Installer().mkinitcpio()` if missing
Release link: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/releases/tag/v2.5.3
Release v2.5.3 Β· archlinux/archinstall
Mar 1
Mar 1
MsDropbear πβ:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Oh hi, you're its Dev; i had not expected to be able to speak with you. Thanks heaps for all your hard work... but sadly v2.5.3 remains broken like v2.5.2 wrt successfully creating a LUKS home partition. During the subsequent bootup, post-install, for some reason the LUKS password prompt never occurs before the Plasma SDDM screen lands, consequently in effect the user's home partition is not actually usefully encrypted. I can't use archinstall until this works, as i need LUKS-home. Thx.
Anton Hvornum
@dropbear42 Hi! You can always reach out :) If you send me your `/var/log/archinstall/user_disk_layout.json` (remember to filter any credentials) I can take a look why that didn't happen :)
Mar 03, 2023, 01:39 Β· Β·
Mar 3
MsDropbear πβ:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Thx for replying, & your kind offer. Once i can grab some time for it, i shall look into what you suggested then get back to you with the info. π
Mar 13
MsDropbear πβ:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Hello again Anton π Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Would you still be willing to assist me pls, wrt my ongoing inability to get `archinstall` to correctly install a functional separate encrypted /home partition? I've tried it so many times, varying some settings each time, but always it's the same failed result; during boot, this DMESG `Failed to open encryption mapping: The device UUID=... is not a LUKS volume & the crypto= parameter was not specified`. 1/2
Mar 13
MsDropbear πβ:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed 2/2 The system reaches SDDM, lets me login, then use it, but at no point was i actually asked to enter my LUKS password, ie, the encryption arrangement somehow keeps failing during the installation.
Re your earlier reply, the ONLY contents of `/var/log/archinstall/` is a single file; `install.log`. I can post that to pastebin for you, + i took HEAPS of pics during the latest install that i could upload for you. Also, i could paste the `fstab` & `crypttab` files for you... IF you wish.
Mar 16
MsDropbear πβ:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Hi again Anton. Are you still around these parts?
Apr 10
MsDropbear πβ:arch: :plasma:
This is not promising...
Apr 14
MsDropbear πβ:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Another #archinstall #LUKS failure for me now, sigh.
I used the 1April ISO, in which i obtained the post-ISO version of AI via `pacman -Sy archinstall`. I created uefi+gpt 3 partitions; boot, root & home. I encrypted the home partition. I picked grub, zram-swap, KDE, linux-lts & linux-zen, NetworkManager. The installation completed with no errors.
Yet, exactly like all [many] previous attempts with ISOs+AIs since late last year, at boot DMESG still errors at decrypt stage.
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