MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€ · @MsDropbear
188 followers · 680 posts · Server

@harald There doesn't seem to be any content at that link...?

I did not use the , coz the Dev & i were *briefly* chatting about it here in Masto, but sadly pretty soon they went quiet. I chose to drop the matter at that point.

That abortive piecemeal chat occurred back when i was still on the , so unfortunately i've lost the original thread since moving Instances. That said, fyi, below is a purely text-based copy of the chat i kept externally. Fwiw.


Anton Hvornum
New version of out: v2.5.3

== Highlights:
* Fixes the issue "Failed to read disk /dev/xxY with lsblk"
* `archinstall` properly waits for `archlinux-keyring` services before initiating
* Creates `/etc/vconsole.conf` upon running `Installer().mkinitcpio()` if missing

Release link:

Release v2.5.3 Β· archlinux/archinstall

Mar 1

Mar 1
MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Oh hi, you're its Dev; i had not expected to be able to speak with you. Thanks heaps for all your hard work... but sadly v2.5.3 remains broken like v2.5.2 wrt successfully creating a LUKS home partition. During the subsequent bootup, post-install, for some reason the LUKS password prompt never occurs before the Plasma SDDM screen lands, consequently in effect the user's home partition is not actually usefully encrypted. I can't use archinstall until this works, as i need LUKS-home. Thx.


Anton Hvornum
@dropbear42 Hi! You can always reach out :) If you send me your `/var/log/archinstall/user_disk_layout.json` (remember to filter any credentials) I can take a look why that didn't happen :)

Mar 03, 2023, 01:39 Β· Β·

Mar 3
MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Thx for replying, & your kind offer. Once i can grab some time for it, i shall look into what you suggested then get back to you with the info. πŸ‘


Mar 13
MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Hello again Anton πŸ‘‹ Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Would you still be willing to assist me pls, wrt my ongoing inability to get `archinstall` to correctly install a functional separate encrypted /home partition? I've tried it so many times, varying some settings each time, but always it's the same failed result; during boot, this DMESG `Failed to open encryption mapping: The device UUID=... is not a LUKS volume & the crypto= parameter was not specified`. 1/2


Mar 13
MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed 2/2 The system reaches SDDM, lets me login, then use it, but at no point was i actually asked to enter my LUKS password, ie, the encryption arrangement somehow keeps failing during the installation.

Re your earlier reply, the ONLY contents of `/var/log/archinstall/` is a single file; `install.log`. I can post that to pastebin for you, + i took HEAPS of pics during the latest install that i could upload for you. Also, i could paste the `fstab` & `crypttab` files for you... IF you wish.


Mar 16
MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Hi again Anton. Are you still around these parts?


Apr 10
MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€:arch: :plasma:

This is not promising...


Apr 14
MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€:arch: :plasma:
@Torxed Another failure for me now, sigh.

I used the 1April ISO, in which i obtained the post-ISO version of AI via `pacman -Sy archinstall`. I created uefi+gpt 3 partitions; boot, root & home. I encrypted the home partition. I picked grub, zram-swap, KDE, linux-lts & linux-zen, NetworkManager. The installation completed with no errors.

Yet, exactly like all [many] previous attempts with ISOs+AIs since late last year, at boot DMESG still errors at decrypt stage.


#BugTracker #Archinstall #fosstodon #instance #luks

Last updated 1 year ago

JoergSorge · @JoergSorge
322 followers · 2187 posts · Server

Gerade versucht einer Γ€lteren Dame bei der fΓΌr die zu helfen.
Gibt's irgendwo einen fΓΌr

#corona #online #vorbereitung #Impfung #BugTracker

Last updated 4 years ago