Just another Tuesday night in Carbondale. #thirdstreetcenter #communitybuilding #buildabetterworld
#thirdstreetcenter #communitybuilding #BuildABetterWorld
Most people in the capitalist dominated world have spent their whole lives progressively having more and more aspects of their existence handled by one service or another, one product or another.
The State of Capital has created a culture of expecting ready-made, one-size-fits-all, off-the-shelf solutions to unique and complex social and interpersonal problems. Much like physics has sought a theory of everything, society has come to expect an ideology of everything be handed to them.
And so many people subscribe to singular ideologies, with the belief that if enough people subscribe, the solution will fit all, and will solve the very complex problems we face.
But complexity doesn't work this way. It is not possible for one ideology to describe the full problem, let alone solve it.
Instead we have to create solutions, customize solutions, adapt solutions. From many ideologies we must derive complimentary matrices of diverse ideologies.
It is not enough to know there is a problem. We must, each of us both alone and together, develop the solutions. The idea of passively consuming ideological solutions designed to apply to all, which then ultimately apply to none, is part of how we have gotten into the mess we are in.
#CreateYourSolutions #ideology #BuildABetterWorld