Added a swipe gesture to switch between my segmented picker in the Current Lights view and added a little more styling to the app in general #buildinpublic #iOSdev
😍 WebPerformance Report Week #36. Delivered ✅
If you wants to receive the @webperfreport the next week, all you have to do is subscribe from our website:
#webperf #corewebvitals #webperformance #buildinpublic
#webperf #CoreWebVitals #webperformance #BuildInPublic
Stay focused with a #Pomodoro split of your tasks. #AppleMusic Integration can auto-play/pause music to keep you focused.
Recorded video has music muted, but you can see how the ⏯️ icon changes & hear my sounds. Do you like it? Any feedback?
#pomodoro #applemusic #wip #napdev #iosdev #BuildInPublic
👨💻 Started banging out some early decision documents for my (mostly empty) new project repo. My experiment projects are ending, so I will hopefully get this going soon™.
Shoutout to the recent @changelog podcast, which reinforced the importance of documentation. I was doing decision docs in my last project and now going even harder.
📚Je viens de mettre à jour le fichier README de Threadr pour permettre au plus grand nombre de tester la solution en toute autonomie. Je me tiens à disposition pour aider (*) en MP. ~ #buildinpublic
Ein weiterer, diesmal kurzer, Devlog zum Thema Speiseplaner.
#baueninderoffentlichkeit #BuildInPublic
😍 WebPerformance Report Week #35. Delivered ✅
If you wants to receive the @webperfreport the next week, all you have to do is subscribe from our website:
#webperf #corewebvitals #webperformance #buildinpublic
#webperf #CoreWebVitals #webperformance #BuildInPublic
Another excellent month has passed and we have reached exactly 400 paying customers. So once again, thank you!
📅 MRR: $5,259 → $5,769 (+9.7%)
😀 Subscribers: 372 → 400 (+7.5%)
The UI of my #Contacts app to stay connected with people long-term is complete, including #search! 💪
Last 2 steps before kicking off the #Beta:
– Persistence with #SwiftData
– Server & API with #Vapor
Let’s see how nice SwiftData really is!
#WIP #NAPDev #SwiftUI #BuildInPublic
#contacts #search #beta #swiftdata #vapor #wip #napdev #swiftui #BuildInPublic
How big do you think an Phone-only photography platform could be? 📱📸
Day 14 of #buildinpublic:
Move the song title to the top. (Previously in the middle and the album title was on top)
Code clean up.
Starts playback when the user starts work out.
Stops playback when the user finishes work out.
Next up:
record the workout.
Show workout summary at the end.
Set up WatchOS app that can start the workout from it.
Record the workout from km by km split.
#BuildInPublic #iosdev #indieapp #quitsmoking
Wrapping up codebase before deploy next week.. it’s tough
I think it's time to say goodbye to some Objective-C code from 2013. I used NSKeyedUnarchiver at that time, and switch to #CoreData many years ago.
#coredata #indiedev #BuildInPublic
- AwesomeCache: I used it to cache weather data from Dark Sky. I'll now use Apple #WeatherKit to fetch the wind forecasts and cache them in my Core Data store, if needed.
#weatherkit #indiedev #BuildInPublic
Some 3rd-party removed:
- Kingfisher: I used it to cache snapshots generated by #MKMapSnapshotter (for UITableView cells) ➡️ I'll now cache them in my Core Data store, if needed.
- Alamofire: I used it to fetch locations by consuming Foursquare API ➡️ I'll now use #MKLocalSearch (#MapKit).
#mkmapsnapshotter #mklocalsearch #mapkit #indiedev #BuildInPublic
Day 13 of #buildinpublic
Got the playback to work. I am going to clean up the code more and further improve UI.
#BuildInPublic #quitsmoking #indiedev #iosdev
I've got another in-progress feature that I'd like some feedback on.
Without any context, watch the video, and then try to explain to me what the video demonstrated. Does this feature make sense? Is there anything about it that doesn't make sense to you? Let me know!
#indiedev #BuildInPublic #gaming
I love remote work. Read on Slack:
Me: "Moving onto the front end now."
Colleague: "Cool. I'll check it out in a few. Need to bring the llama her breakfast" 🦙 #buildinpublic #remotework
I killed the TabView. KISS.