Les institutions se reproduisent et se renforcent en partie parce qu'elles sont "excellentes" dans de nombreux domaines. @MauriceWFP avec @npquarterly. #buildingcommunity #CareNotCops #buildingrelationships #IndigenousMutualAid #AbolirLaPolice #HealthCare
#BuildingCommunity #CareNotCops #buildingrelationships #IndigenousMutualAid #AbolirLaPolice #healthcare
Les institutions se reproduisent et se renforcent en partie parce qu'elles sont "excellentes" dans de nombreux domaines. @MauriceWFP avec @ForgeOrganizinget. #buildingcommunity #buildingrelationships #AbolirLaPolice #IndigenousMutualAid #CareNotCops
#BuildingCommunity #buildingrelationships #AbolirLaPolice #IndigenousMutualAid #CareNotCops
De même que le glissement de "la police est dangereuse" vers "la #BRAV_M est dangereuse" de la gauche gouvernementale a de quoi nous inquiéter.
#AbolishThePolice #BuildingCommunity #Accountability #Community #VivreSansPolice
#BRAV_M #abolishthepolice #BuildingCommunity #accountability #community #vivresanspolice
I often read people in my home feed talking about how technological solutions don't fix social problems. As I start exploring the space surrounding #FOSS, I encounter this same truth again and again. I think that's why I wanted to experiment with #BuildingCommunity in tandem with building a piece of software.
The solution to #Racism, #Sexism and other forms of prejudice isn't in the tools, it's in the hearts connected and the unity achieved between diverse members of humanity.
#sexism #racism #BuildingCommunity #foss
To me, hearing others in this way has the opposite effect to partisanship—it gives me hope rather than despair, because although I become more aware of the injustice, I also come to understand others more, and I make connections of fellowship and mutual support with others. And making those connections is part of building social cohesion, rather than degrading it. #CommunityBuilding #BuildingCommunity
#BuildingCommunity #communitybuilding
* https://fedifinder.glitch.me/
* https://debirdify.pruvisto.org/
See https://www.howtogeek.com/848766/how-to-find-your-friends-on-mastodon/
#debirdify #fedifinder #findingTwitterContacts #rebuildCommunityHowTo
#BuildingCommunity #rebuildingCommunity #rebuildCommunityHowTo #findingTwitterContacts #fedifinder #Debirdify
#Pinetta isn't all about an app; it's also about building communities.
Many development teams spend their time imagining what individual users want or need, writing use cases and user stories, and promoting their apps. (Sure, we do that too.)
Fewer teams make communities part of their process, listening, learning from them, and striving to serve them and make them stronger. That's our aim.
#Pinetta #BuildingCommunity #communitybuilding
Okay. Haven’t had too much interaction with anyone here yet so gonna try a few hashtags of things I’m interested in. If you’re interests align with mine, drop me a follow and ill do the same. #buildingcommunity
#startrek #sevenofnine #starwars #minecraft #xbox #mcu #transally #lgbtq #civilrights #europeanunion #democracy #gamer #imac #funny #humor #ireland #irish #food #pizza #biden #music #kylieminogue #gay #queer #englishliterature #scifi #englishlanguage #youtube #youtuber #kindness #respect
#BuildingCommunity #startrek #sevenofnine #starwars #minecraft #xbox #mcu #transally #lgbtq #civilrights #europeanunion #democracy #gamer #imac #funny #humor #ireland #irish #food #pizza #biden #music #kylieminogue #gay #queer #englishliterature #scifi #englishlanguage #youtube #youtuber #kindness #respect
Kudos and thankyou to @hugh and @saera for their quick work to create an AusGLAM space in here #AUlibraries #AUgalleries #AUarchives #AUmuseums #GLAM #buildingcommunity
#BuildingCommunity #glam #AUmuseums #AUarchives #AUgalleries #AUlibraries
#Metaverse »#BrandBasics: #BuildingCommunity In #TheMetaverse. #Businessmodels have changed and opportunities for #onlineexperiences — especially through #remotework and #retail — have exploded.« https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2022/10/14/brand-basics-building-community-in-the-metaverse/
#Metaverse #BrandBasics #BuildingCommunity #themetaverse #businessmodels #onlineexperiences #remotework #Retail