Happy to collab with #Buildkite on this post about ephemeral #macOS builds for #Nix https://buildkite.com/blog/ephemeral-mac-os-builds-buildkite-nix-tailscale
@ganeshnj It's a real failing, in general. The closest I've seen is buildkite's bk tool: https://github.com/buildkite/cli
Huge fans of Buildkite, we use it in anger (and joy!) frequently!
#ci #cd #automation #pipelines #Buildkite
#Introduction since hashtags are so important here! It's basically my bio.
#DataEngineer #DataEngineering @ Beam Benefits
User of #Python #Dagster #Terraform #Terragrunt #Buildkite #Fivetran #AWS #GCP ... and trying to spend more time with #dbt
Big fan of #Linux #vim font ligatures, and the ZSA #Moonlander #MechanicalKeyboard
Former baker, welder, dishwasher, language tester
Living in the Mitten (code for #Michigan) but escape to #NewMexico in February
#NewMexico #Michigan #mechanicalkeyboard #Moonlander #vim #Linux #dbt #GCP #aws #Fivetran #Buildkite #Terragrunt #terraform #Dagster #python #dataengineering #dataengineer #Introduction